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Kenya Protests: Protesters Clash with Police as Day 3 Protest Begins

A three-day Kenya protest over tax hikes and the increasing cost for many everyday items started with relative calm in the capital city, Nairobi. Pockets of unrest erupted in different parts of the country. The opposition, led by Raila Odinga of the Azimio La Umoja coalition, called for the demonstrations to voice their grievances against President William Ruto’s government.

The circumstance in Kenya capital remained largely clam, with schools shut, and organizations shuttered. In spite of the authorities alerts and warnings and heavy security deployments, protesters still took to the streets in several areas, leading to clashes with the police. The protests certainly stand out enough to be noticed and worry over the loss of lives and destruction of property.

Kenya Protests

Also Read: Kenya Protests: Tax Hike Protesters Clash with Kenyan Police

Sources Related Kenya (For R&D)

The protests in Kenya originate from discontent over tax hikes executed by President William Ruto’s government. Regardless of promising to support the interests of the poor during his political race, the average cost of living kept on rising, prompting disappointment among the residents.

The government defended the tax hikes, expressing that the increased revenue was necessary to handle mounting debt and fund job-creation initiatives. However, the opposition and many Kenyans view these measures as overburdening an already struggling population.

This isn’t the first time Kenya has seen anti-government demonstrations. Earlier protests this month turned violent, with conflicts among protestors and the police bringing about the death of atleast 15 people.

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The police’s utilization of tear gas and live rounds drew criticism from human rights organizations for what they deemed excessive force. Several opposition leaders have been calling for dialogue between the government and the opposition to find a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

Struggles For Kenya’s Citizens

The high inflation and tax hikes have stirred things up around town Kenyans hard, making it challenging for them to manage the cost of basic necessities. Numerous residents have communicated their disappointment with the Government’s treatment of the economy and the promises that have not been fulfilled. Private ventures, specifically, have been battling to adapt to the increasing expenses, prompting declining incomes and potential layoffs.

Various churches, civil rights groups, and international entities have called on both the government and the opposition to engage in meaningful dialogue to address the country’s issues. They emphasize the significance of figuring common ground to build the nation together and prevent further loss of life and property destruction.

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The continuous protests have significant economic consequences for Kenya. The closure of schools and organizations during demonstrations costs the country an estimated average of $21.8 million per day, exacerbating the economic challenges already faced by the nation. The disruptions in economic activities could further hamper job creation and exacerbate the poverty situation.

Human Rights Watch and other organizations have expressed concern over alleged human rights violations during the protests. Allegations of police brutality, labeling protesters as “terrorists,” and the utilization of over the top power have raised worldwide caution. Calls for the protection of citizens’ right to peaceful protests have been emphasized, urging the government to exercise restraint in handling demonstrations.

The circumstance in Kenya stays tense as the protests proceed. Both the government and the opposition need to focus on the welfare of their citizens and engage in constructive dialogue to find a sustainable solution. Addressing the root causes of the cost of living crisis and exploring alternative measures to handle the country’s debt are crucial steps toward easing the burden on the population.

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Top Sources Regarding Kenya Protests Day 3 (For R&D)

AL Jazeera:



Republic World:

France 24:



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