Prime Minister Robert Fico of Slovakia was targeted in an assassination attempt. Robert Fico was shot five times after an off-site government meeting in Handlova, central Slovakia. Robert Fico underwent emergency surgery and is currently in critical condition.
Robert Fico Shot and in Very Serious Condition

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The assailant fired at Robert Fico from close range across a security barrier, as captured in footage from the scene.

Robert Fico was swiftly transported to a hospital, then transferred to a major trauma center in Banska Bystrica. Fortunately, no one else was injured during the attack.

Defense and Interior Ministers labeled the attack as politically motivated citing the suspect’s decision shortly after the presidential election.

Slovakia’s divisive political climate was blamed with rising hate speech and division highlighted as contributing factors.

Robert Fico sustained severe injuries with bullets penetrating his stomach and joints. After a lengthy surgery, Deputy Prime Minister Tomáš Taraba expressed optimism about Fico’s survival.

Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová condemned the attack addressing its threat to democracy. Ministers urged calm and introspection, denouncing hate speech and urging the media to use its influence responsibly.

Interior Minister Šutaj-Eštok described the attack as a grave assault on Slovakia’s democratic principles.

Slovakia has been polarized over Robert Fico’s leadership with supporters lauding his leadership while critics decry his pro-Russian stance.

Controversial domestic reforms and attempts to control public broadcasting have fueled discontent. An eyewitness described the attack as surreal with the sound of gunfire shattering the moment.

Security measures at the event were criticized with claims that attendees were not searched adequately. Fico’s return to power was a shift in Slovakia’s foreign policy, aligning more closely with Russia and distancing from Western allies.

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His government’s reforms have faced opposition particularly regarding corruption investigations. World leaders condemned the attack expressing solidarity with Slovakia and wishing Fico a speedy recovery.

Russian President Putin, European Commission President von der Leyen, and US President Biden were among those who voiced condemnation and support.

Deputy Prime Minister Robert Kalinak reported that Fico’s condition is stable post-surgery but remains “very serious.”

Miriam Lapunikova, director of FD Roosevelt University Hospital, stated that Fico had multiple gunshot wounds with complex injuries affecting his recovery.

Environment Minister Tomas Taraba confirmed that the surgical operation was successful, addressing wounds to Robert Fico’s stomach and joint.

President Zuzana Caputova urged for calm amidst political tensions and called for a joint meeting of parliamentary party leaders. Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok labeled the attack as politically motivated.

The alleged attacker, a 71-year-old writer and former security guard has been charged with attempted murder. Police are yet to disclose the motive behind the attack.

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Global leaders including Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned the assassination attempt, expressing solidarity with Slovakia.

US President Joe Biden denounced the violence and offered assistance to the Slovakian government. Fico’s return to power in October last year marked a period of political tension in Slovakia.

His government’s policies including scaling back support for Ukraine and revamping the public broadcaster RTVS have faced criticism and sparked protests.

Thousands of Slovaks have protested against reforms proposed by Robert Fico’s government particularly regarding the public broadcaster.

President-elect Peter Pellegrini addressed the importance of democratic expression and condemned the attack as a threat to Slovak democracy.

Deputy Prime Minister Kalinak assured protection for constitutional officials, journalists, and public figures in light of the attack.

Measures to counter hate speech on social media platforms were discussed as part of efforts to prevent similar incidents.

A state security council meeting is scheduled to discuss further security measures in response to the assassination attempt.

Police continue to investigate the motives behind the attack and gather evidence regarding the suspect’s involvement.

Robert Fico’s tenure as prime minister was by controversy including mass protests over corruption allegations following the murder of investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée.

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Top Sources Related to Slovakia’s PM Robert Fico Shot and in Very Serious Condition (For R&D)

BBC News:


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