Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued orders for nuclear weapons drills near Ukraine, citing “threats” from Western officials regarding potential NATO troop deployments to Ukraine.

Russia Orders Nuclear Weapons Drills in Response to Threats from West

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This comes amidst conflict in eastern Ukraine, where Russian forces claim to have captured two villages and reports of deadly drone strikes on both sides of the border.

Putin has escalated nuclear rhetoric since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, addressing the real risk of nuclear war.

The Nuclear Weapons drills involving air force, navy, and troops stationed near Ukraine are framed as a response to Western provocations particularly statements by French President Emmanuel Macron and British officials.

Macron’s comments about not ruling out sending troops to Ukraine along with British Foreign Secretary David Cameron’s remarks on Ukraine’s right to strike targets inside Russia have drawn ire from Moscow.

The Kremlin views these statements as escalatory particularly Macron’s suggestion that troop deployment could be legitimate under certain circumstances.

The Russian defense ministry has not provided a specific date for the nuclear weapons drills but stated they would involve missile formations in the Southern Military District which borders Ukraine.

The exercises will include practice for the preparation and deployment of non-strategic nuclear weapons intended to enhance readiness in the face of threats from the West.

Tactical nuclear weapons drills also known as non-strategic nuclear weapons are designed for battlefield use and have smaller yields compared to strategic nuclear weapons. These weapons are intended for limited targets and are part of Russia’s military strategy.

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The announcement of nuclear weapons drills marks an escalation in tensions between Russia and the West particularly NATO member countries.

Recent statements from Western leaders regarding potential military support for Ukraine have been met with strong condemnation from Moscow.

The conflict’s toll is evident in drone strikes including an attack in Russia’s Belgorod region that resulted in six deaths and multiple injuries. Ukrainian drones targeted civilian vehicles.

Russian airstrikes have targeted energy facilities in Ukrainian regions causing power outages affecting hundreds of thousands of people.

Russian forces reported capturing two villages in the war-torn regions of Donetsk and Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine.

Ukrainian attack drones targeted civilian vehicles in the border region of Belgorod, resulting in six fatalities and over 30 injuries, including children.

The conflict has seen increased aerial attacks and shelling in border regions with hundreds of thousands temporarily left without power.

French President Emmanuel Macron and UK officials’ statements regarding potential troop deployments to Ukraine have drawn strong condemnation from Moscow. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov labeled the rhetoric as “dangerous.”

The nuclear weapons drills will include practice for the use of tactical nuclear weapons. Units from the Southern Military District, bordering Ukraine, will participate in the exercises.

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