Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has launched the nation’s first-ever virtual women police station, “Meri Awaz…Maryam Nawaz,” situated within the premises of the Punjab Safe Cities Authority.
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Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz detailed the communication channels available, including a 15 Call number, a specialized Women Safety App with live chat and video call capabilities, the Punjab Police App, and the Safe City web portal.
This multifaceted approach ensures women have avenues to seek help with their preferences. In complementing the services of the Virtual Women Police Station, the Punjab government has installed 100 emergency Panic-15 buttons across Lahore.
These buttons placed in educational institutions, markets, intersections, and bazaars, directly connect to the Safe City Authority.
Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz also launched the “CM Maryam Nawaz Free Wi-Fi” service at over 50 locations across Lahore.
This initiative aims to democratize internet access, bridging the digital divide and empowering residents to actively participate in the digital economy and society.
During her visit to the Virtual Women Police Station, Nawaz engaged with the Women Communication Police Officer, stressing the importance of providing a supportive work environment for women in law enforcement.
She also received a briefing on other innovative projects undertaken by the Punjab Safe Cities Authority including the use of Artificial Intelligence for monitoring and issuing traffic violation tickets.
Lahore has initiated the implementation of Artificial Intelligence for monitoring 19 traffic violations, a milestone in South Asia.
The station provides various communication channels including the 15 Call number, Women Safety App with live chat and video call capabilities, Punjab Police App, and the Safe City web portal.
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Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz addressed the station’s dedication to prioritizing women’s safety and addressing their concerns.
The confidentiality policy allows for anonymous reporting, fostering a safe environment for victims to come forward without fear of exposure or retaliation.
Complementing the Virtual Women Police Station the Punjab government installed 100 emergency Panic-15 buttons across Lahore.
Placed in educational institutions, markets, intersections, and bazaars, these buttons connect directly to the Safe City Authority for response during emergencies.
Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz launched the “CM Maryam Nawaz Free Wi-Fi” service at over 50 locations across Lahore.
This initiative aims to bridge the digital divide, empowering residents with internet access to participate actively in the digital economy and society.
During her visit to the Virtual Women Police Station, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz stressed the importance of providing a supportive work environment for women in law enforcement.
Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz received a briefing on other innovative projects by the Punjab Safe Cities Authority. This included discussions on the utilization of technology for enhancing public safety and governance.
Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz’s visionary initiatives, from the inauguration of the Virtual Women Police Station to the deployment of emergency panic buttons and the launch of free Wi-Fi services.
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