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Jerusalem: 3 Killed, 8 Injured in Shooting at Bus Stop

On November 30, 2023, in Jerusalem a shooting attack that claimed the lives of three innocent people and left eight others injured. The attackers, identified as two Palestinian gunmen, opened fire at a crowded bus stop during the morning rush hour at the entrance to Jerusalem.

Jerusalem: 3 Killed, 8 Injured in Shooting at Bus Stop

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The assailants, armed with an M-16 rifle and a handgun, arrived at the scene in a car, targeting civilians. Security camera footage obtained by Reuters captured the chilling moments of the attack, showing the attackers approaching the bus stop and opening fire as people scattered in panic.

The response of off-duty soldiers and a civilian in the vicinity resulted in the gunmen being neutralized at the scene.

The victims of this act of violence have been identified as Livia Dickman, a 24-year-old woman, Ashdod rabbinical judge Elimelech Wasserman, aged 73, and Hannah Ifergan, a woman in her 60s. The injured individuals, numbering eight, were taken to hospitals in Jerusalem for medical attention.

The attackers were identified as brothers Murad Namr, aged 38, and Ibrahim Namr, aged 30, from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sur Baher.

According to the Shin Bet security agency, both brothers were members of Hamas and had a history of involvement in terrorist activities.

Murad had been incarcerated between 2010 and 2020 for planning terror attacks under the guidance of elements in the Gaza Strip, while Ibrahim had been jailed in 2014 for undisclosed terror-related activities.

Israeli officials including National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, condemned the attack, addressing the need to stand firm against terrorism.


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Minister Ben-Gvir asserted that incidents like these highlight the importance of not showing weakness and the necessity of addressing such threats with strength.

He also indicated that Israel would continue its policy of easing regulations for issuing gun licenses to private citizens as a measure of self-defense.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who happened to be in Tel Aviv at the time, expressed condolences and condemned the attack. He acknowledged the persistent threat of terrorism faced by Israel and its citizens on a daily basis.

The shooting occurred amidst a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, which had been extended for an additional day to facilitate negotiations for the exchange of hostages. The agreement aimed to swap hostages held in Gaza for Palestinian prisoners.

The shooting incident comes against the backdrop of tensions in the region since October 7, by an incursion of terrorists into Israel from the Gaza border.

The conflict resulted in a large number of casualties, with both sides bearing the brunt of the violence. The situation remains volatile, with concerns about possible escalations of violence following the release of Palestinian security prisoners in exchange for abducted Israeli hostages.


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There have been calls for increased security measures with National Security Minister Ben-Gvir advocating for the continued distribution of weapons to citizens.

Law enforcement agencies are actively investigating the circumstances surrounding the attack. Questions about the origin of the weapons used, the coordination of the assailants, and the presence of additional threats in the area are paramount.

The shooting incident came on the agreement to extend a six-day ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. The extension aimed to facilitate ongoing negotiations for the release of hostages held in Gaza and the exchange for Palestinian prisoners.

This diplomatic process was characterized by last-minute agreements, underlinig the fragility of the situation.

Tensions in the region had been escalating since October 7, by a significant incursion of terrorists into Israel from the Gaza Strip.

The conflict resulted in casualties, airstrikes, and ground operations as Israel sought to dismantle Hamas and address the hostage situation.

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Top Sources Related to Jerusalem: 3 Killed, 8 Injured in Shooting at Bus Stop (For R&D)

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