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G77+China Summit to Enhance Voice of Global South

The G77+China Summit, held in Cuba, united leaders and delegates from more than 100 nations addressing 80% of the world’s population. This G77+China summit took place at a crucial moment in global affairs, as it aimed to address the challenges facing developing countries and promote a “new economic world order.” The leaders and representatives emphasized the need to change the rules of the game in the current international system, which they perceived as unjust and skewed in favor of the Global North.

G77+China Summit to Enhance Voice of Global South

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Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel opened the G77+China Summit with a strong source of inspiration, expressing that it was the ideal opportunity for the Global South to change the rules of the game.

He highlighted the long-standing dominance of the Global North in shaping the world order according to its interests. Developing countries, he argued, had been the primary victims of a multidimensional crisis, ranging from unequal trade practices to the existential threat of global warming.

United Nations chief Antonio Guterres echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the urgent need for a world that is more representative and responsive to the needs of developing economies.

He pointed out that developing countries were trapped in a tangle of global crises, including economic disparities, climate change, and foreign debt.

The G77, initially established by 77 nations of the Global South in 1964, expected to explain and advance their aggregate monetary interests and upgrade their collective economic interests and enhance their joint negotiating capacity.

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Over the years, the group has expanded to include 134 members, with China being a prominent participant, even though it does not consider itself a full member. The rotating presidency of the G77 is currently held by Cuba.

China’s presence at the G77+China summit was critical, represented by Li Xi, a high-ranking official from the Communist Party of China. Li Xi reaffirmed China’s commitment to South-South cooperation, emphasizing its priority in dealing with the outside world.

China’s association in the G77+China summit structure highlights its support for the group’s mission and its determination to work alongside developing countries to address global challenges.

One of the focal topics of the G77+China summit was the developing imbalance in the global order. The leaders and delegates highlighted the COVID-19 pandemic as a stark example of this inequality, particularly regarding access to vaccines.

It was pointed out that a small number of countries held the majority of vaccines, leaving many developing nations at a disadvantage. This issue highlighted the dire requirement for a more pleasant dispersion of resources and access to essential healthcare.

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The G77+China summit likewise resolved the major problem of climate change. Developing countries expressed their concerns about the disproportionate impact of climate change on their economies and populations.

They called for greater support from the international community to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change. The leaders emphasized the importance of global cooperation to tackle this existential threat.

A draft of the closing statement at the G77+China summit emphasized the need for a new economic world order. This statement reflected the collective sentiment of the participating nations, highlighting the obstacles that developing countries face in the current international system.

It called for a system that is more inclusive, fair, and just, as opposed to the perceived exclusivity and unfairness of the existing order. The G77+China Summit took place in a dynamic global context.

The African Union’s inclusion in the G20, and the expansion of the BRICS group to admit new members, demonstrated the shifting power dynamics in the international arena. These changes reflect the growing importance of developing countries in shaping global policies and priorities.

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