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French Parliament Approves Controversial Immigration Reform

The French parliament has passed a controversial immigration reform bill after months. The legislation, initially facing rejection in the National Assembly, underwent amendments to garner support from both President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist Renaissance party and Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally (RN).

French Parliament Approves Controversial Immigration Reform

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This alliance has triggered internal divisions within Macron’s party, with health minister Aurélien Rousseau announcing his resignation and left-wing parties accusing Macron of making concessions to the far right.

The initial draft faced rejection in the parliament, making the government to redraft the bill with stricter provisions.

The amended legislation introduces measures that make it more challenging for migrants to bring family members to France and delays their access to welfare benefits.

Additionally, the bill prohibits the detention of minors in detention centers, but a controversial provision introduces discrimination between citizens and migrants, even those residing legally in the country, regarding eligibility for benefits.

The vote on the immigration bill exposed divisions within Macron’s governing alliance. While the far-right, led by Marine Le Pen, welcomed the amended bill as an ideological victory, left-wing factions accused Macron of enabling the far-right and betraying their convictions.

Some members of Macron’s party voted against the bill, and reports suggest that several ministers are on the verge of resigning in protest.

Marine Le Pen’s National Rally endorsing the immigration bill has complexity to French politics. Le Pen hailed it as a victory for the far-right’s ideas, addressing the ideological shift embedded in the legislation.

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Macron, seeking to strike a tough stance on immigration without completely alienating his centrist base, faced a balancing act.

Critics, including human rights groups, have denounced the reform as the most regressive immigration law in decades.

Macron’s acknowledgment that some measures might face constitutional scrutiny underlines the legal complexities associated with the legislation. The government plans to refer certain provisions to the Constitutional Council for evaluation.

The French vote coincided with a European Union (EU) agreement to reform the asylum system across its 27 member states.

The EU’s new pact, hailed as a landmark agreement, includes provisions for creating border detention centers and expediting the deportation of rejected asylum seekers.

With the loss of a parliamentary majority and internal dissent, Macron’s ability to advance his legislative agenda comes under scrutiny.

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The amended immigration bill has criticism from civil society and human rights groups. Dozens of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have condemned the legislation as regressive, particularly highlighting its impact on the rights and living conditions of foreigners in France.

The bill’s alignment with far-right rhetoric has concerns among advocates for a more inclusive and rights-based approach to immigration.

The government’s response to the internal dissent and ministerial resignations underlines the depth of the political crisis.

Health Minister Aurélien Rousseau’s resignation and warnings from other ministers signal a rift within Macron’s coalition.

The government’s assertion that it does not depend on National Rally votes for its majority addresses the complexity of the politics and the challenges Macron faces in maintaining cohesion within his party.

France, with its tradition of welcoming refugees and immigrants, now with rising social tensions fueled by factors such as increased asylum seekers, a housing shortage, and a cost-of-living crisis.

Public opinion on the immigration bill is divided, reflecting the societal debates around identity, inclusion, and the role of the state in managing migration. The far-right’s influence on policy decisions polarization to an already complex situation.

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