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Pope Francis Allows Priests to Bless Same Sex Couples

Pope Francis has approved the blessing of same-sex couples, aiming to inclusivity while upholding the Catholic Church’s strict stance against gay marriage. The decision, announced on Monday, with some applauding it as a step towards dismantling discrimination within the Church, while others caution that it may perpetuate the notion of inferiority for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Pope Francis Allows Priests to Bless Same Sex Couples

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The Vatican’s doctrinal office released a document elaborating on a letter from Pope Francis to conservative cardinals in October.

The response suggested that blessings for same-sex couples could be considered under specific conditions, addressing that these blessings should not be confused with the sacrament of marriage.

The newly released document reiterates this condition, stressing the lifelong union between a man and a woman as the definition of marriage.

The document outlines that the blessings must not be associated with any particular Catholic celebration or religious service.

They should not coincide with civil union ceremonies, use set rituals, or involve elements such as clothing and gestures associated with weddings.

The intent is to draw a clear line between the blessing of same-sex couples and the sacrament of marriage as defined by the Church.

While affirming that requests for such blessings should not be denied, the document provides an definition of blessing in Scripture.

It argues that individuals seeking a transcendent relationship with God and seeking His love and mercy should not be subjected to moral analysis as a precondition for receiving the blessing.

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The Vatican‘s move is part of Pope Francis to make the Catholic Church more welcoming to LGBTQ+ individuals.

The document addresses that the goal is not to legitimize anything but to open one’s life to God, seek His help for a better life, and invoke the Holy Spirit to live the values of the Gospel with greater faithfulness.

The Rev. James Martin, an advocate for greater LGBTQ+ inclusion in the Church, praised the document as a huge step forward and a dramatic shift from the Vatican’s 2021 policy.

He expressed his delight in being able to bless same-sex marriages. However, traditionalists within the Church voiced outrage, with some considering the document a form of heresy.

Concerns were raised about confusion and division within the Church, with fears that some bishops might use the document as a pretext for actions forbidden by its contents.

In Germany, where individual priests have been blessing same-sex couples for years, the head of the German Bishops Conference welcomed the document, stating that it allows blessings for couples unable to marry in the church.

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In Chile, human rights advocates saw the statement as a step towards breaking down discrimination but criticized its specificity on non-ritualized blessings.

The document also addressed the issue of irregular unions, addressing that individuals in extramarital relationships, both gay and straight, are in a state of sin.

However, it underlined that this should not deprive them of God’s love or mercy, and an exhaustive moral analysis should not be a precondition for conferring a blessing.

Some argue that the Vatican’s admonition against codifying any blessing or prayer is a response to prior initiatives by bishops, such as in Belgium, proposing prayers for same-sex couples that included explicit religious elements.

In the United States, reactions were mixed among Catholic priests. While some welcomed the move, others expressed reservations.

The document comes after previous steps by Pope Francis towards greater inclusivity, such as allowing trans people to be baptized under certain circumstances and criticizing laws that criminalize homosexuality.

While this move is in the context of the Catholic Church’s stance on LGBTQ+ issues, it falls short of endorsing same-sex marriage. The Vatican continues to uphold marriage as an indissoluble union between a man and a woman.

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