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Evergrande Group Reports Massive $81 Billion Loss Over Two Years

Chinese property developer Evergrande Group recently released its long-overdue financial outcomes, revealing a combined loss of $81 billion over the past two years. The organization, known as the world’s most indebted property developer, has been wrestling with a progression of difficulties, including defaults, incomplete projects, and troubles in repaying suppliers and lenders.

The release of these financial statements reveals insight into Evergrande’s ongoing crisis and highlights the broader concerns surrounding China’s property sector, which has traditionally been a key driver of the country’s economy.

Evergrande Group

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Sources about Evergrande Group (For R&D)

According to the company’s filings with the Hong Kong stock exchange, Evergrande announced overall loss of 476 billion yuan ($66.36 billion) for 2021 and 105.9 billion yuan ($14.76 billion) for 2022. These losses were attributed to various factors, including property write downs, land restitution, losses on financial assets, and financing costs. In comparison, Evergrande had accomplished a net profit of 8.1 billion yuan in 2020, featuring the significant downturn the company has experienced in recent years.

China’s Property Sector is in Danger

Evergrande’s huge debt burden has raised worries about the overall health of China’s property sector. The organization’s financial struggles have prompted defaults and abandoned projects across the nation, affecting Evergrande as well as other property developers.

Analysts estimate that roughly 50 property developers have defaulted on $100 billion of offshore bonds over the past two years. This has brought about many engineers being suspended from trading on the Hong Kong stock exchange.

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The rising separation inside the sector is becoming evident, with stronger state-linked developers experiencing sales growth while smaller developers struggle to regain homebuyer confidence and secure the necessary funding to turn their businesses around. The consolidation of the market is supposed to keep, inclining toward bigger state-linked designers and passing on more modest players to confront more critical difficulties.

The China’s property market stays uncertain. The government’s efforts to control debt risks and rein in soaring property costs have added to the continuous difficulties looked by engineers.

In 2020, policymakers presented leverage limits that froze new funding and led to a cash crunch within the industry. The decrease in new-home costs in June 2023, after a short bounce back prior in the year, shows an absence of buyer interest and suggests that a housing market recovery is not imminent.

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Evergrande’s Debt Restructuring Plan

To address its financial burdens, Evergrande has left on a huge debt restructuring process since late 2021. The company announced an offshore debt restructuring plan in March 2023, aiming to make peace with its international creditors.

However, extra funding of $36 billion to $44 billion is required for Evergrande to continue work and complete its property projects. The restructuring plan is currently awaiting approval and will be heard in court in Hong Kong on July 24.

Evergrande’s financial health has raised worries among global investors because of the significant amount of US dollar-denominated debt the company owes. The outcome of Evergrande’s debt restructuring could have broader implications for investors dealing with similar cases involving Chinese developers.

Besides, the debt crisis surrounding Evergrande and other property developers in China has provoked investors to reevaluate the risks related with the country’s real estate sector, which has historically been a pillar of China’s economic growth.

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Top Sources Regarding Evergrande Group $81 Billion Loss (For R&D)


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