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Domino’s Pizza Announces Closure of All 142 Stores in Russia

The departures of McDonald’s and Starbucks, Domino’s Pizza has declared its choice to shut down all of the 142 of its stores in Russia. DP Eurasia, the franchise owner for Domino’s Pizza in Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, stated that it will file for bankruptcy for its Russian unit, DPRussia.

This decision comes as Western organizations wrestle with the mind boggling consequence of the Ukraine battle, with the Kremlin imposing challenges and costs on foreign businesses operating in the country.

Domino's Pizza Announces Closure of All 142 Stores in Russia

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The decision to leave the Russian market was triggered by the increasingly difficult operating environment that Western companies face after the Ukraine war.

The Kremlin’s policies have made it more multifaceted and costly for foreign companies to continue their business operations within the country. Some companies have even encountered the seizure of their local assets, a fate shared by Danish brewer Carlsberg and French yogurt maker Danone.

DP Eurasia, confronting these difficulties, revealed that its immediate holding company was compelled to take this step, marking the end of their attempts to sell DPRussia as a going concern.

The group’s presence in Russia will unavoidably be ended because of these conditions. The financial implications of this decision are yet to be fully ascertained, as it marks a significant and unprecedented event in the country’s business landscape.

While the closure of Domino’s Pizza outlets might signal the end of the brand’s presence in Russia, it’s possible that these pizza outlets will continue to operate under new ownership and branding. A similar trend was seen when McDonald’s and Starbucks left the Russian market.

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These foundations were taken over by nearby players and renamed after their parent organizations left the country. Starbucks became Stars Coffee, and McDonald’s rebranded as “Vkusno I Tochka,” which means “Tasty, period.”

The decision by Domino’s Pizza to leave Russia lines up with a broader trend of Western firms reconsidering their operations in the country.

Since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Kremlin, more than 1,000 foreign organizations have left Russia or temporarily suspended their operations.

The situation has led to uncertainty and instability in the business environment, prompting many companies to reduce their investments or even withdraw entirely.

However, a few firms, as Unilever, have confronted analysis for not leaving Russia regardless of the difficulties. Unilever’s circumstance has ignited debates about the ethics of remaining in a politically tumultuous region while generating substantial profits.

The move to close down its Russian operations was not abrupt for Domino’s Pizza. The company had been evaluating its presence in Russia since December of the previous year.

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The ongoing impact of sanctions and the economic and political environment had prompted the review. The battles looked by the Russian arm of the business were obvious, with reports showing the difficulties in finding a buyer for the flailing franchise.

These difficulties were exacerbated by the conflict in Ukraine and the resulting sanctions forced on Russia. The intricate geopolitical landscape made it difficult for Western companies to maintain profitable operations.

While other major fast-food chains exited Russia as a form of protest against the conflict, Domino’s faced a more complex situation due to its struggles with finding a viable exit strategy.

Domino’s Pizza’s decision to close its Russian outlets is one more disaster for the nation’s economy, already reeling from the consequences of international sanctions and the conflict with Ukraine.

The sanctions have made worldwide companies reevaluate their investments and operations in Russia, which has had ripple effects on the local economy. This trend poses challenges for Russia’s economic stability and development.

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Top Sources Related to Domino’s Announces Closure of All 142 Stores in Russia (For R&D)

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