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China Removes Defense Minister Li Shangfu, Without Explanation

China has officially removed its defense minister, General Li Shangfu, from his position, leaving many questions unanswered. This comes after Li’s mysterious disappearance from public life and months of speculation regarding the fate of top leaders in the Chinese government.

Li Shangfu

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General Li Shangfu’s removal as China’s defense minister and state councilor has raised many questions, due to the secretive nature of the decision.

He was last seen in public on August 29, when he attended a security forum in Beijing with African nations.

This removal has left China without a defense minister at a crucial time, as the country prepares to host foreign defense officials in Beijing.

General Li Shangfu, an aerospace engineer who began his career at China’s Rocket Launch Center, had a swift rise through the ranks of the military and Chinese political elite.

In 2018, he was sanctioned by the United States government over China’s purchases of Russian combat aircraft and arms, which led to strained relations between the two nations.

Li’s sanctions were considered a hurdle, as he refused to meet with his U.S. counterpart, Lloyd Austin, at a defense summit earlier in the year.

As an obvious favorite of President Xi Jinping, General Li Shangfu’s removal has prompted questions about the reasons and implications of this decision.

The removal of high-profile officials, like Li and former Foreign Minister Qin Gang, has been a part of a series of leadership changes and purges in recent months, concerns about the power dynamics and policy shifts within the Chinese government.

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While no official explanation has been provided for Li Shangfu’s removal, several reports have suggested that he was under investigation for suspected corruption related to equipment procurement and development.

The lack of transparency in such high-level dismissals is not uncommon in Chinese politics, and it has fueled speculation about the reasons behind these decisions.

It’s important to note that Li’s role as defense minister is somewhat ceremonial, as the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) operates under the command of the Communist Party leadership rather than the presidency.

However, his removal, along with other high-ranking officials, indicates significant political developments within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

General Li Shangfu’s removal is not an isolated incident. It follows the earlier dismissal of Qin Gang, who served as China’s Foreign Minister.

Qin was removed from this position just seven months into the job, with no official explanation provided. This change raised questions about the nature of his removal.

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Reports from The Wall Street Journal cited sources suggesting that Qin’s removal might be related to an extramarital affair he had while serving as the ambassador to the United States. The CCP’s strict stance on morality and loyalty could have played a role in this decision.

Qin’s departure and Li’s removal from their respective positions on the State Council have highlighted the ongoing shakeups within the highest echelons of the Chinese government, with implications for the country’s domestic and foreign policies.

The dismissal of General Li Shangfu is part of a pattern of leadership changes in China’s military. In recent months, several high-ranking military officials have been removed from their positions.

General Li Yuchao, who headed the PLA’s Rocket Force unit, and his deputy had “disappeared” for months before their dismissals were announced.

This has led to speculation about a purge within the military ranks, raising questions about loyalty and the motivations behind these actions.

These changes within the military leadership come at a time when China is increasing its defense spending by 7.2%, according to the latest national budget.

This heightened military activity is closely monitored by the international community, particularly in light of the growing tensions between China and Taiwan.

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