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Airstrike in Ethiopia’s Amhara Region Kills 26 People

The Amhara region in Ethiopia has recently seen a surge in violence, set apart by a dangerous airstrike in the town of Finote Selam that killed at least like 26 people. This incident is part of the continuous conflict between the Ethiopian armed force and a local militia known as Fano. The circumstance has heightened quickly, causing compassionate worries and threatening the stability of the region.

Airstrike in Ethiopia’s Amhara Region Kills 26 People

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Sources about Ethiopia (For R&D)

The Amhara region, Ethiopia’s second-biggest state, has been defaced by struggle recently. The Fano ethnic militia, which had previously supported federal forces during the Tigray war, has seized control of multiple towns in Amhara.

This move has raised fears of reestablished conflict, only months after a ceasefire ended a brutal two-year-long conflict in the neighboring Tigray region. The latest escalation of violence came as an airstrike on Finote Selam’s town square, bringing about a shocking death toll.

While the attack was supposedly targeted at Fano militia members who had gathered in the town center, the impact extended to innocent bystanders as well. The exact number of civilian casualties remains unclear, highlighting the complexity and tragic nature of the situation.

The violence in Amhara has had critical consequences for regular citizens. Hospitals have been inundated with injured individuals, and the humanitarian response has been strained.

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The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has expressed grave concern over civilian casualties, including extrajudicial killings, looting, and the targeting of regional administration officials. The EHRC has reported various occasions of violence, leading to significant civilian suffering.

The conflict has disturbed essential services and infrastructure. The state transporter, Ethiopian Airlines, suspended trips because of the security circumstance, and foreign governments issued warnings to their citizens to remain indoors. The violence has additionally prompted the evacuation of citizens, further destabilizing the region.

The international community has communicated worry over the raising violence Amhara. The UK, US, and other nations have called for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

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Humanitarian organizations like the World Health Organization and Save the Children have warned that the violence is impeding their operations, exacerbating the already dire humanitarian situation.

The conflict in Amhara is laced with ethnic dynamics and political intricacies. The Amhara ethnic group, Ethiopia’s second-biggest, has expressed dissatisfaction with the peace deal that ended the Tigray conflict. They fear that their hard-won territories might be returned to the Tigray region, leading to tensions and further fueling the violence.

The Ethiopian government imposed a state of emergency in the wake of the escalating violence. This move included shutting down the internet and declaring curfews in various cities. While the government has claimed to regain control over Amhara’s towns, concerns remain that the Fano militia might resort to guerrilla tactics, leading to prolonged instability.

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Top Sources Related to Airstrike in Ethiopia’s Amhara Region (For R&D)

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