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Afghanistan Hit by Third Powerful Earthquake in a Week

Afghanistan has been hit by a staggering earthquake, its the third seismic event in just over a week. This cataclysmic event has additionally exacerbated an already dire humanitarian crisis in a country facing severe economic difficulties and political instability.
Afghanistan Hit by Third Powerful Earthquake in a Week

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The latest earthquake, estimating 6.3 on the Richter scale, struck western Afghanistan close to the city of Herat. Its epicenter was located 33 kilometers northwest of Herat city, the capital of Herat territory, and it occurred just over a week after a series of powerful tremors hit the same region.

These earthquakes have caused critical death toll and far and wide annihilation, making them the absolute most damaging seismic event in Afghanistan’s history.

The latest earthquake has had devastating results. As reported, at least one person has been confirmed dead, and over 100 individuals have sustained injuries, further straining the already overwhelmed healthcare infrastructure in the region.

The magnitude 6.3 quake has disrupted the lives of countless Afghan citizens, leaving them in fear of further aftershocks and causing many to sleep outside their homes.

The aggregate effect of these successive earthquakes, with their post-quake tremors, has prompted the sad loss of thousands of lives.

More than 90% of the victims are women and children, highlighting the weakness of these groups in the midst of catastrophic events.

The seismic events have prompted the complete destruction of rural homes, making it a monumental challenge to provide shelter and support to the affected population.

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The death toll from these earthquakes continues to rise as rescuers work tirelessly to reach all affected areas.

In the aftermath of the earlier quakes, the Taliban government reported that more than 2,000 people perished. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) has revised this figure to nearly 1,400 casualties.

The loss of life is catastrophic, with entire villages flattened and critical infrastructure, such as schools and health clinics, collapsing. The WHO also reports that nearly 20,000 people have been directly affected by these disasters.

Women and children comprise the majority of the casualties, highlighting the severe vulnerability of these groups, especially in a country already facing numerous humanitarian challenges.

One of the major problems in the outcome of these seismic tremors is giving shelter to the impacted population.

Afghanistan’s Taliban-led government, which assumed power in August 2021, faces critical difficulties in such manner.

The majority of homes in rural Afghanistan are constructed with mud and wooden support poles, lacking the necessary reinforcement to withstand powerful seismic activity. In many cases, these structures have been reduced to rubble, rendering them uninhabitable.

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The earthquake events have resulted in a dire need for shelter, particularly as the harsh Afghan winter approaches.

With restricted resources and stressed relations with worldwide associations, the Taliban government is wrestling with the enormous errand of giving help to the impacted population.

This challenge is additionally intensified by the way that numerous families have lost their homes and are left with no choice but to endure the cold and harsh conditions.

It’s important to contextualize these earthquakes within the broader challenges that Afghanistan is facing. The country has been in the midst of an economic crisis since the Taliban’s takeover in 2021, a crisis exacerbated by the withdrawal of foreign aid.

This economic downturn has left the Afghan population highly vulnerable, with limited access to essential resources and services.

The political situation in Afghanistan is also deeply complex. The Taliban’s ascent to power has led to an international diplomatic conundrum, with no country officially recognizing their government.

This lack of recognition has hindered the flow of international aid, further straining the country’s ability to respond to humanitarian crises.

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Top Sources Related to Afghanistan Hit by Third Powerful Earthquake in a Week (For R&D)

BBC News:

AL Jazeera:


New York Times:

Evening Standard:

AP News:

Sources about Earthquakes in 2023 (For R&D)


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