Northern Ireland Council Elections 2023: Sinn Féin Emerges as the Largest Party

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Sinn Féin has emerged as the largest party in both local government and Stormont after the Northern Ireland council elections in 2023. The party gained 144 seats, an increase from the 105 council members elected in 2019.

Uganda Passes Law Criminalizing Identification as LGBTQ+

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The Ugandan parliament has passed a law that imposes up to 10 years in prison for identifying as LGBTQ+. Same-sex relations are already illegal in Uganda, and this new legislation targets activities including promoting and abetting homosexuality, conspiracy to engage in homosexuality and even identifying as LGBTQ+.

Around 200,000 of Israelis Protest Against Judicial Plans

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On March 11, 2023, hundreds of thousands of Israelis took to the streets in what has been described as the biggest street protests in Israel’s history. The protests were organized in response to the government’s plans to reform the judiciary, which opponents say threaten democracy.