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Argentina Election: Javier Milei and Sergio Massa Head for Run-off Vote

Argentina presidential election held on October 22, 2023, the stage is currently set for a run-off vote scheduled for November. The results have left the nation in a state of uncertainty, as the two leading contenders vying for the nation’s trust, Sergio Massa and Javier Milei, reflect the stark ideological divisions and the urgent need for leadership amidst a severe financial crisis.

Argentina Election: Javier Milei and Sergio Massa Head for Run-off Vote

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Sergio Massa, a left-wing candidate, secured the highest number of votes in the first round, with a tally of 8,877,325, accounting for 36.33% of the total vote.

His closest rival, the far-right libertarian Javier Milei, garnered 7,373,876 votes, representing roughly 30.18% of the vote.

Patricia Bullrich, a candidate from the center-right, took the third position with 23.82% and conceded defeat late on Sunday night.

The run-off election arises from the Argentine electoral system’s requirement for a presidential candidate to obtain more than 45% of all votes or a minimum of 40% and at least a 10-point lead over the second-place candidate in the first round to secure a victory.

Thus, the battle between Massa and Milei will continue in a run-off, where Argentinians will make their final decision on the nation’s leadership.

About the Candidates:

Sergio Massa: As the current Economic Minister, Massa has taken on the challenge of steering Argentina through one of its most serious financial crises in the last two decades.

He has campaigned on a platform of pragmatism, positioning himself as a more moderate voice on the left. Massa has worked to distance himself from the high-profile vice-president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, without alienating her power base.

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He has ministerial portfolio, including managing inflation, soybeans (Argentina’s primary export), and the nation’s relationship with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Javier Milei: In contrast to Massa, Milei, an “anarcho-capitalist,” lacks governmental experience and has promised to upend Argentina’s existing economic structures.

Milei’s radical proposals include dollarizing the Argentine economy, slashing public subsidies, and eliminating several government ministries.

He has captured the attention of voters with promises of a complete overhaul. Milei is known for his fiery rhetoric and unconventional campaign tactics, such as brandishing a chainsaw at rallies.

Patricia Bullrich: A former Security Minister, Bullrich has been a prominent figure in national politics. During her campaign, she sought to appeal to younger voters through viral challenges on social media and by highlighting her relationship with her cousin, singer Fabiana Cantilo. Bullrich positioned herself as a steady and experienced hand in contrast to Milei’s confrontational style.

The results of the election highlight disillusionment among Argentinians with the country’s elite and their handling of the financial crisis.

Inflation has soared to a staggering 138%, placing immense pressure on ordinary citizens trying to manage the rising cost of living.

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Many people are finding it increasingly challenging to make ends meet as they grapple with the relentless increase in prices.

The financial crisis is a central issue that has dominated the election campaigns. The candidates have offered varying approaches to address the economic challenges facing Argentina.

Massa, as the Economic Minister, has been at the forefront of managing the crisis and has positioned himself as the candidate with the experience to navigate these turbulent economic waters.

Milei, on the other hand, has promised a radical economic transformation, advocating for the adoption of the U.S. dollar as the national currency and the elimination of government subsidies.

Bullrich, while offering a more moderate approach, focused on restoring order and economic stability. The election saw a huge voter turnout, with over 75% of eligible voters participating.

More than 25 million Argentinians cast their ballots, reflecting the nation’s deep interest and concern regarding the country’s future.

Julio Vitobello, the general secretary of the presidency, described the election as “a model day of Argentine democracy.”

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