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Storm Isha: Over Thousands Without Power as Winds Reach 80mph

Storm Isha, the ninth named storm since September, has landed in the United Kingdom. The storm, characterized by high winds of up to 80mph.

Storm Isha: Over Thousands Without Power as Winds Reach 80mph

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The Met Office has issued yellow and amber weather warnings, indicating the for severe disruption. The storm is expected to bring high winds of up to 80mph (130km/h) on some coasts, with gusts ranging from 60 to 70mph (100-115km/h) inland.

The amber warning, the second-highest level, is in effect from 18:00 GMT until 06:00 on Monday, showing an increased risk of power cuts, damage to buildings, travel disruption, injuries, and danger to life, especially in coastal areas experiencing large waves.

The travel industry is already feeling the effects of Storm Isha, with dozens of flights canceled at Dublin Airport.

Flights have been diverted, and some have had to circle before landing. The disruption is expected to continue, and travelers are being cautioned to exercise extreme caution.

The amber warning extends to parts of Great Britain, affecting flights and ferry services between Britain and the island of Ireland.

In Northern Ireland, the Department for Infrastructure has issued advice for travelers, addressing the need for extreme caution.

Debris on roads, fallen trees, flooding, and large waves in coastal areas. Additionally, industrial action may hamper response and clean-up operations, affecting services related to incidents impacting life and property, fallen trees, road defects, gully clearing, and flood emergencies.

The Republic of Ireland is also facing the brunt of Storm Isha, with weather warnings issued across the country.

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Met Éireann, the Irish weather service, has issued red alerts, the highest level, for three counties – Galway, Mayo, and Donegal.

The red wind alert warns of destructive winds, particularly in coastal and exposed areas. A yellow warning for the entire country is in place, set to be upgraded to an orange warning, the second-highest level, on Sunday evening.

The warnings encompass for large coastal waves, difficult travel conditions, fallen trees, and power outages.

Local authorities in Northern Ireland, such as Newry and Mourne District Council, have announced the closure of parks due to the storm.

Castlewellan, Delamont, Kilbroney, and Slieve Gullion forest and country parks will be closed on Sunday, with plans to reopen subject to safety inspections on Monday.

The Met Office has extended amber wind alerts to cover almost the entire UK ahead of Storm Isha. The amber warnings, in effect from 6:00 pm on Sunday until Monday morning.

Two 12-hour amber wind warnings cover central, eastern, and western England, all of Wales, as well as Scotland, northern England, and Northern Ireland.

The nature of the storm is addressed, as storms affect specific regions, whereas Storm Isha is projected to impact the entire UK.

Potential damage to buildings, especially roofs, and the likelihood of road closures, longer journey times, and cancellations in road, rail, air, and ferry services.

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The Met Office says people to stay updated with weather forecasts and adhere to advice from local authorities and emergency services.

The energy network operators are also on high alert, preparing to deal with damage safely. The Energy Networks Association warns of an increased risk to homes and vital infrastructure, addressing the need for vigilance during the storm.

The weather warnings are expected to continue into Monday, with the rush hour likely to be affected. The Met Office’s Chief Meteorologist, Dan Suri, notes that Storm Isha will bring disruptive weather with strong winds across the entire country.

Heavy rain particularly in the western regions. The impact of the storm is underlined by the fact that all parts of the UK, except London and parts of the South East, are under an amber wind alert.

The Storm Isha has coverage across the entire UK. Unlike previous storms that tended to affect specific regions, this storm’s reach is exceptional.

The Met Office compares Storm Isha to low-pressure weather systems that affect the north-west or the southern half of the UK.

The Met Office warns of a yellow wind warning from Tuesday afternoon until midday on Wednesday. This warning covers Northern Ireland, north Wales, northern England, and much of Scotland.

Travel disruption, power cuts, damage to buildings, and large waves are expected during this period, with gusts of 45-55mph likely inland.

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