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Brazil: Heavy Rio de Janeiro Rains Kill At Least 11 People

The northern parts of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were hit by torrential rains that left city streets into rivers, claiming the lives of at least 11 people.

Heavy Rio de Janeiro Rains Kill At Least 11 People

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The heavy rainfall, which struck hard in the capital city, flooded streets, disrupted the metro line, and inundated people’s homes.

Reports from the Fire Department showed that the storm caused numerous incidents, including falling trees and landslides.

The situation became more critical as water levels reached the roofs of cars along Avenida de Brasil, a thoroughfare in the city.

Mayor Eduardo Paes declared a state of emergency, urging residents to stay at home for their safety and to facilitate rescue and recovery efforts.

With a dozen bus lines shutting down and several metro stations closing due to flooded tracks, the city faced disruptions in public transportation.

Some areas experienced a deluge, receiving a month’s worth of rain typical for January in just 24 hours. Firefighters by the scale of the disaster, responded to 200 storm-related events.

Acari, one of the worst hit neighborhoods, saw the basement offices of the Ronaldo Gazolla Municipal Hospital flooded, affecting its operations.

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Businesses in the area also suffered damage. Firefighters were still searching for a woman missing after her car plunged into a river during the storm.

The National Agency monitoring natural disasters showed a high risk of landslides in eight towns within the surrounding Rio de Janeiro state.

Rio’s Mayor Eduardo Paes announced a state of emergency, addressing the situation. The federal government, led by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, offered support to assist in managing the crisis.

This response is to address the immediate needs of the affected population and recovery efforts. The damage to public infrastructure, including the closure of metro stations and the shutdown of bus lines, underlines the consequences of the torrential rains.

The city’s resilience is being tested as authorities work to restore normalcy. Residents, such as Alexandre Gomes, shared their experiences of dealing with recurring challenges during heavy rainfall.

Gomes, attempting to clear water from the flooded store where she works, lamented the cyclical nature of the issue in Acari.

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