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Sri Lanka Cricket Suspended by ICC Over Governance Breach

The International Cricket Council (ICC) has suspended Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) with immediate effect due to government interference in the board’s administration. This suspension comes on Sri Lanka’s disappointing performance in the 2023 World Cup held in India.
Sri Lanka Cricket Suspended by ICC Over Governance Breach

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The team’s early exit triggered a chain of events that exposed the issues within the Sri Lanka Cricket administration. The government, dissatisfied with the state of affairs, sought to control over the cricket board.

The sports minister, Roshan Ranasinghe, made a move by dismissing the existing SLC board and installing a committee led by cricket legend Arjuna Ranatunga.

The sports minister’s decision faced legal challenges, with the courts issuing a stay order preventing the committee from taking over.

The legal battle in Sri Lanka’s courts, made it difficult to the struggle within SLC. The courts’ intervention reinstated the elected SLC board headed by president Shammi Silva, setting the stage for a showdown between the government and the cricketing body.

As the power struggle played out on the domestic front, the ICC stepped in, expressing concern over the extensive government interference in SLC’s affairs.

The ICC board, in a move, decided to suspend Sri Lanka Cricket. While the ICC termed it a “suspension,” it was a warning shot to curb further government meddling in cricket administration.

SLC itself reportedly requested the suspension to convey to the Sri Lankan government that ICC would not tolerate external interference.

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The ICC, in a statement, said that SLC breached its obligations as a Member by failing to manage its affairs.

The conditions of the suspension are yet to be determined, and the ICC board is expected to decide on the specifics in the coming weeks.

This move questions about the autonomy of cricket boards and the role of the ICC in maintaining the integrity of its member organizations.

This suspension draws parallels with the suspension of Zimbabwe Cricket in 2019 for similar reasons. However, the ICC appears to tread cautiously in Sri Lanka’s case, avoiding an abrupt shutdown of cricket activities in the country.

The decision not to stop funding immediately suggests an approach, possibly to avoid consequences for Sri Lankan cricket.

The suspension of Zimbabwe Cricket contrasted with the lack of action against Cricket South Africa (CSA) despite similar government interventions.

Understanding these inconsistencies is crucial for evaluating the ICC’s role in preserving the autonomy of its member boards.

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At the center of the ICC’s move to suspend SLC is the recognized president, Shammi Silva. The ICC continues to acknowledge him and his elected office-bearers, allowing Silva to attend ICC meetings in an observer capacity.

Silva’s role in navigating the board through the difficulty and his standing in the ICC meetings will be closely monitored.

The suspension brings to light the political dimensions of cricket administration in Sri Lanka. The government’s attempt to overhaul the SLC constitution, coupled with allegations of corruption, adds complexity to the situation.

The country’s auditor general reportedly cited corruption within SLC, contributing to the government’s push for restructuring.

The suspension raises concerns about Sri Lanka’s ability to host the Under-19 World Cup scheduled for January 2024.

The fate of the tournament hangs in the balance, as a suspended board may face challenges in organizing a global event.

Additionally, the halt in ICC funds for SLC poses financial uncertainties, impacting the development of cricket in the country.

The appointment of Arjuna Ranatunga, known for his critical views on the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) and the ICC, adds a dimension. The BCCI’s stance on Ranatunga’s leadership and its impact on relations will be closely watched.

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