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Senegal: Delay of Presidential Election Ruled Illegal by Constitutional Court

Senegal President Macky Sall‘s decision to postpone the election, citing irregularities in the candidate list and alleged corruption within the judiciary, has been met with opposition and accusations of authoritarian overreach.

Senegal: Delay of Presidential Election Ruled Illegal by Constitutional Court

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The Constitutional Council’s rulings, declaring the postponement unlawful and calling for the election to be held as soon as possible.

The postponement of the February 25 presidential election, initially rescheduled for December 15 by the National Assembly, has been by unconstitutional by Senegal’s highest judicial authority.

The Constitutional Council’s decision to annul President Sall’s decree and the parliamentary bill has been the separation of powers and the rule of law in Senegal’s politics.

Opposition parties and civil society groups have condemned President Sall’s actions, labeling the postponement as a constitutional coup at consolidating power and undermining democratic principles.

The debates in parliament, is by the removal of opposition lawmakers and the extension of Sall’s tenure. The Senegalese people’s anger have spilled onto the streets, leading to violent clashes with security forces and calls for transparency in the electoral process.

Constitutional Council, the highest legal authority in the country, delivered a verdict on President Sall’s actions.

The Council declared the postponement of the presidential election unconstitutional and invalidated both President Sall’s decree and the parliamentary bill that sought to delay the vote until December 15th.

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Opposition leaders have hailed the decision as a victory for democracy and to push for the swift organization of new elections.

Meanwhile, supporters of President Sall have voiced their outrage, accusing the Council of overstepping its bounds the country’s democratic institutions.

Regional bodies like ECOWAS and Western allies such as France and the United States, has been in urging Senegal to adhere to democratic uphold the integrity of its electoral system.

Calls for reconciliation between political factions have both domestically and internationally, addressing the need for inclusive governance and national unity in navigating the current crisis.

President Sall’s leadership and his government’s response to the Constitutional Council’s rulings will be monitoring in the coming days, as Senegal seeks to restore confidence in its democratic institutions and ensure a transition of power.

The president’s commitment to respecting the rule of law and facilitating a credible electoral process will be paramount in addressing the grievances of the opposition and rebuilding trust among the Senegalese people.

Regional organizations, such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), along with Western allies like France and the United States, have called for a return to normalcy and adherence to constitutional processes.

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