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Saudi Arabia Hosts Emergency Summits to Address Gaza Crisis

Saudi Arabia has convened emergency summits in Riyadh, bringing together leaders from the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to address the escalating conflict in Gaza. The meetings, attended by leaders from Iran, Turkey, Syria, and Palestine, aim to unify efforts and establish a collective position to address the situation in the region.

Saudi Arabia Hosts Emergency Summits to Address Gaza Crisis

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Saudi ArabiaCrown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman opened the summit with a call for an immediate cessation of military operations in Gaza and the release of captives and prisoners.

He strongly condemned Israel’s actions, labeling them as a “humanitarian catastrophe” that exposes the failure of the UN Security Council.

Saudi Arabia Prince Mohammed addressed the need to end the Israeli occupation, illegal settlements, and restore the established rights of the Palestinian people, advocating for the establishment of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The Crown Prince criticized the failure to address Israel’s violations of international humanitarian laws, highlighting the dual standards adopted by the world.

He stressed that a peaceful resolution requires an end to the Israeli occupation and the establishment of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said these sentiments, pointing out that Israeli forces’ raids in the occupied West Bank have also escalated.

Abbas called on the United States administration to intervene Israel’s aggression, occupation, and desecration of holy sites.

Rejecting military and security solutions, Abbas addressed the rejection of any efforts to displace Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank.

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Qatar’s Emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, questioned the silence on Israel’s actions, asking how long the world will treat Israel as if it is above international law.

He expressed disbelief at the shelling of hospitals in the 21st century and urged for a unified stance against such atrocities.

The joint summit was announced by Saudi Arabia’s foreign ministry, stating that it was convened in response to the circumstances in the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

The OIC includes member states from across the Islamic world, including countries such as Egypt and Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Iraq. The meeting aims to unify efforts and establish a collective position to address the crisis in Gaza.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi addressed that the policy of “collective punishment” by Israel through killing, siege, and forcible transfer is unacceptable. He called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza to end the ongoing humanitarian crisis.

President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran attended the summit, marking the first visit by an Iranian president in 11 years.

Raisi called for an end to the blind bombardment against Gaza and urged Islamic governments to designate the Israeli army as a terrorist organization.

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He accused the United States of supporting Israel in the UN and resolutions that could prevent the killing of Palestinians. Israel has faced increasing calls for an immediate ceasefire, especially from Arab and Islamic nations.

The continuous air strikes and ground assaults, triggered by an attack by Hamas on October 7, have resulted in huge number of casualties, with hospitals being targeted in recent days. The United Nations has warned that the lives of one million children in Gaza are hanging by a thread.

The Arab League, consisting of 22 countries, including Syria, which recently rejoined after a decade of civil war, aims to show how the Arab nations will act on the international stage.

Hossam Zaki, the bloc’s assistant secretary-general, stated that the organization seeks to stop the aggression, support Palestine, condemn the Israeli occupation, and hold Israel accountable for its crimes.

Prior to this meeting, Saudi Arabia hosted an African-Saudi summit where Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman called for an end to the war.

Additionally, leaders from Russia, Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan convened in Kazakhstan for talks that included discussions on the situation in Gaza.

However, not all Palestinian groups share optimism about the outcomes of the summit. The Islamic Jihad, a militant group, expressed skepticism, criticizing Arab leaders for the delay in taking decisive actions. The group stated that it does not place hope in such meetings, citing their historical ineffectiveness.


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Top Sources Related to Saudi Arabia Hosts Emergency Summits to Address Gaza Crisis (For R&D)

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