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North Korea to Launch 3 More Spy Satellites in 2024

North Korea, under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, has announced plans for 2024. The plans to launch three new military spy satellites, its nuclear capabilities, and introduce cutting-edge combat equipment, including armed drones and advanced electronic warfare devices.

North Korea to Launch 3 More Spy Satellites in 2024

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Last month, Pyongyang successfully put its first satellite into orbit, claiming it has since captured images of major US and South Korean military sites. Now, Kim Jong Un has declared the launch of three additional military spy satellites in 2024.

Kim Jong Un remains resolute in his commitment to expanding North Korea’s nuclear arsenal. The regime aims to accelerate the production and development of nuclear weapons, a continued focus on modernizing its nuclear capabilities.

This announcement comes amidst a backdrop of regular missile tests, including the recent launch of the most advanced long-range missile capable of reaching the North American continent.

Kim’s statement at the Workers’ Party meeting addressed the need to establish a reliable foundation for building more nuclear weapons.

In addition to satellite launches and nuclear advancements, North Korea plans to introduce cutting-edge unmanned combat equipment. This includes armed drones and powerful electronic warfare devices.

He declared that unification with the South is no longer possible, citing Seoul’s treatment of North Korea as an enemy.

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This official change in policy adds to the existing strains in inter-Korean relations. Last month, Pyongyang tore up a deal with Seoul aimed at reducing military tensions following the spy satellite launch.

The relationship between the two Koreas has been deteriorating, with Kim Jong Un stating that inter-Korean relations are now a relationship between two hostile countries and two belligerents at war.

The United States and South Korea, has expressed concern over North Korea’s military ambitions. The recent launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile drew immediate condemnation from the West.

South Korea’s defense ministry condemned any plans to use nuclear weapons against Seoul, vowing retaliation with the support of the United States.

The military activities by North Korea have tensions in the region. The deployment of a US submarine armed with nuclear weapons in South Korean waters and the continuation of missile tests throughout 2023 have contributed to a volatile situation on the Korean Peninsula.

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Analysts speculate on the motivations behind North Korea’s aggressive military agenda. Some suggest that Kim Jong Un may be seeking to leverage these provocations for diplomatic gains, especially in the context of the upcoming US presidential elections in November.

The regime’s actions may be calculated to gauge, particularly if former President Donald Trump returns to power.

Kim Jong Un’s statement also shows the regime’s intention to cooperation with anti-imperialist, independent countries opposing Western hegemony.

While specific countries were not named, North Korea’s ties with China and Russia suggest an alignment with these nations.

The exclusion of the United States, South Korea, and Japan from Kim’s outreach underlines the complexities in the region.

Also Read: North Korea Claims Successful Launch of Spy Satellite

Top Sources Related to North Korea to Launch 3 More Spy Satellites in 2024 (For R&D)

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