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National Gallery of Australia Return Stolen Cambodian Artefacts

The National Gallery of Australia (NGA) has decided to return three ancient bronze sculptures dating from the 9th and 10th centuries to Cambodia. These valuable artifacts are believed to belong to the cultural heritage of the Cham Kingdom, which once encompassed regions of modern-day Vietnam and Cambodia.

The sculptures were obtained by the NGA in 2011 from Douglas Latchford, a famous English art seller who was embroiled in the unlawful exchange of antiquities. Following a decade-long investigation in collaboration with Cambodia’s Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, it was determined that the sculptures were looted from Cambodia and illegally sold.

Australia Return Stolen Cambodian Artefacts

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Sources Related to Artwork Repatriated (For R&D)

The three sculptures, which portray human structures, hold critical historical value for Cambodia. Cambodia’s government welcomed the choice, acknowledging the return as a significant step in correcting past shameful acts and saving the country’s cultural heritage.

The repatriation reflects a growing global push to return looted cultural goods to their rightful places of origin, fostering mutual respect and understanding among different cultures.

Latchford, who died in 2020, was known for his association in trafficking stolen and looted Cambodian antiquities. His little girl, Nawapan Kriangsak, played a vital part in the repatriation process, helping out researchers from the NGA and Cambodia’s Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts.

The decision to return the sculptures was made as a collaboration with Cambodian authorities, and they will remain at the NGA for three years until they are repatriated to Cambodia.

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Cambodia has been effectively looking to recuperate its stolen from antiquities, large numbers of which were taken during the tumultuous time of the Khmer Rouge regime in the late twentieth century.

Since 1996, more than 600 Khmer works have been recuperated by Cambodia from different nations all over the world, including the US, Japan, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, Denmark, Hungary, Norway, and China.

The bringing home of the sculptures features the meaning of preserving and respecting cultural heritage across nations. As the world turns out to be more interconnected, the global community is increasingly recognizing the importance of returning stolen artifacts to their places of origin, upholding ethical standards and promoting cultural understanding.

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Australia’s obligation to repatriating looted cultural goods is not limited to Cambodian artifacts. Recently, the nation consented to return four Aboriginal spears taken by English traveler Captain James Cook in 1770 to their traditional owners, marking a momentous step in acknowledging the rights and cultural heritage of Indigenous communities.

The NGA’s decision to return the ancient sculptures to Cambodia is important for a more extensive work to address the origins of various Asian art pieces in its collection.

The gallery has been working with experts to ascertain the provenance of several artifacts and is committed to conducting thorough research on other items, potentially leading to more repatriations in the future.

The return of looted cultural artifacts serves as a poignant reminder of the need for vigilance and ethical responsibility in the art world. The NGA’s collaborative approach with Cambodian authorities and Nawapan Kriangsak demonstrates the positive impact of cooperation in the pursuit of cultural preservation.

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Sources Related to Australia Return Stolen Cambodian Artefacts (For R&D)

BBC News:

The Guardian:



The New York Times:

ABC News:


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