On July 18, 2023, Israel saw one of the biggest protest movements in its history as large number of demonstrators rampaged to voice their opposition to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul bill. The proposed regulation, which plans to reshape the country’s judiciary system, has been a subject of intense debate and has ignited a constitutional crisis since its introduction by the hard-right government earlier in the year.

The protests, happening in Tel Aviv and other cities across the nation, marked a “day of resistance” and a call to stop what the demonstrators perceive as a threat to democracy and judicial independence.

Judicial Overhaul Bill: Israeli Protesters Block Roads amid Nationwide Protest

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Sources Related to Judicial Overhaul Bill (For R&D)

The judicial overhaul bill, supported by Netanyahu’s nationalist and religious coalition government, has profoundly separated Israeli society. critics argue that the proposed changes would sabotage court independence and erode the system of checks and balances, potentially leading to authoritarian rule. The bill’s supporters, including Netanyahu, contend that it is important to rebalance the power between the branches of government and curb what they see as judicial overreach.

The Controversial Judicial Overhaul Bill

The judicial overhaul bill, already approved in its first reading, contains several controversial provisions. One of the most argumentative is the reduction of the “reasonability” clause, which allows the judiciary to strike down government decisions it deems unreasonable.

Critics contend that eliminating this condition would restrict the court’s capacity to safeguard against inappropriate arrangements and potential corruption, while proponents claim it would prevent the judiciary from interfering with elected officials’ decisions.

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Another significant aspect of the reform is the increased influence the government would have in appointing judges. Detractors argue that this change could prompt the appointment of unqualified people or politically motivated judges, undermining the integrity of the judiciary.

Opponents also raise concerns about Netanyahu’s personal interest in the reform, as he faces corruption charges and could potentially benefit from a weakened justice system.

The “day of resistance” saw huge number of Israelis to the streets, blocking highways, exhibiting outside government buildings, and briefly occupying the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. Protesters waved Israeli flags, chanted slogans against dictatorship, and demanded the preservation of democracy.

The demonstrations included a diverse range of participants, from retired tech workers to military reservists, business leaders, and members of labor unions and medical associations.

The parliamentary opposition, in an attempt to delay the bill’s progress, filed 27,000 objections to a coalition bill that would limit the Supreme Court’s authority to overturn government decisions.

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These objections and the widespread opposition, the coalition government intends to bring the judicial overhaul bill to a final vote before the summer recess. Finance minister Bezalel Smotrich dismissed the protesters as a vocal minority and emphasized the government’s commitment to implementing reforms while seeking broad consensus.

The controversy surrounding the judicial overhaul bill has not only divided Israeli society but has also attracted attention and concern from international actors. The US, a crucial ally of Israel, has expressed apprehension about the proposed reforms and their potential impact on democracy.

President Joe Biden recently talked about the issue with Netanyahu and proposed to meet in the US to address the matter further. However, the invitation has received criticism from protesters who had hoped for more decisive intervention from the U.S.


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Top Sources Regarding Israel Protests (For R&D)

AL Jazeera:

NBC News:

AP News:


The Times of Israel:

The New York Times:

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