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Italy Police Seize $835 Million from Airbnb in Tax Invasion Injury

Italian authorities have seized €779.5 million ($835.5 million) from Airbnb. This comes as a response to allegations of tax evasion by the company, accusing Airbnb of failing to collect a 21% rental income tax from Italian landlords between 2017 and 2021.

Airbnb in Tax Invasion Injury

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Italian prosecutors have claimed that Airbnb, did not comply with the Italian tax law, which mandates landlords to pay a 21% tax on their rental income.

This failure to collect the required tax led to the seizure of an amount of money. The seizure was carried out by Italian financial police under the order of Milan prosecutors.

As Italian authorities have been intensifying their scrutiny of major companies’ tax practices, including Netflix and Meta.

Airbnb has responded to the seizure with surprise and disappointment. The company contends that it has been actively engaging with Italian tax authorities since June 2023 to resolve the matter.

Airbnb spokesperson Christopher Nutly expressed confidence that the company had acted in full compliance with the law and intends to exercise its rights with respect to this issue.

Airbnb’s stance is that it has made every effort to comply with Italian tax laws and that the situation has arisen due to a complex and evolving legal landscape.

Airbnb’s legal challenges in Italy date back to 2017 when it contested the Italian law requiring the platform and other short-term rental providers to withhold 21% of rental income from landlords and remit it to tax authorities.

The company argued that these requirements violated the European Union’s principle of freedom to provide services across its 27 member countries.

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However, in 2022, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled that member states could require short-term rental platforms to collect income taxes.

One of the issues of this case is the complexity and evolving nature of taxation in the digital economy. Airbnb has pointed out that the taxation landscape is uncertain, and they believe that they are not subject to the Italian tax law despite the CJEU’s ruling.

This situation faced by both governments and digital platforms in adapting to the new digital economy, where traditional tax laws may not be adequate to address the unique aspects of online business models.

The Airbnb case in Italy has implications for the taxation of digital platforms and short-term rental services not only in Italy but across the European Union and beyond.

It highlights the ongoing scrutiny faced by digital platforms regarding their tax obligations and the need for clarity in tax regulations applicable to the digital economy.

The future of digital taxation will likely involve international cooperation to establish clear guidelines and rules for taxing digital businesses.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has been working on a system known as BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) to address these issues.

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The hope is that a consensus on international taxation can be reached to make sure fair and equitable taxation of digital companies.

The Airbnb case may set a precedent for how other digital platforms are taxed in Italy and in other countries as well.

It could lead to increased scrutiny of the tax practices of other online marketplaces, sharing economy platforms, and e-commerce giants.

Companies like Uber,, and others operating in similar spaces may need to review their tax compliance strategies.

Airbnb’s ongoing legal wrangle in Italy reflects the challenges that digital companies face in the legal and regulatory landscape in various countries. The company’s initial attempt to challenge the 2017 Italian law through the CJEU proved unsuccessful.

While the court ruled in favor of Italy’s taxation requirements, it also found issues with the requirement to appoint a tax representative, on which the law was based.

Italian politicians have announced plans to crack down on landlords who do not pay taxes on short-term rentals facilitated by platforms like Airbnb. The introduction of a national identification code for short-term rentals is being considered.

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