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China Floods: Threatening Tens of Thousands of Life

Flooding in China will displaces tens of thousands and threatening the lives and livelihoods of millions. The province of Guangdong, known for its dense population faces challenges as rivers breach their banks and entire communities are submerged under water.

China Floods: Threatening Tens of Thousands of Life

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Nearly 60,000 people have been evacuated from their homes in Guangdong province, the most populous province in China.

Over 82,500 people have been relocated due to the floods. Three individuals have lost their lives, while 11 others remain missing. Six people have been injured in landslides triggered by heavy downpours.

Major rivers have breached their banks, inundating large swathes of land and disrupting normal life. Videos circulating online depict collapsing walls, submerged bridges, and fast-moving torrents engulfing villages and towns.

The direct economic loss is estimated to be nearly 140.6 million yuan ($19.8 million USD). More than 80 houses have either collapsed or sustained severe damage.

Flights have been canceled and delayed at Baiyun International Airport in Guangzhou due to continuous rainfall. Schools have been ordered shut in at least three cities, affecting educational activities.

Power outages have affected approximately 1.16 million households, although 80% have since had their electricity restored.

Meteorological authorities have warned of ongoing heavy rains in Guangdong and neighboring Fujian provinces until at least Tuesday.

Other regions including Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei, are also expected to experience moderate to heavy rainfall.

Scientists warn that the climate crisis is worse extreme weather events making them deadlier and more frequent.

Last year saw downpours during the flood season with numerous weather stations recording record-breaking rainfall.

Authorities have raised the flood control emergency response for the Pearl River Delta to level 2, the second-highest in a four-tier system.

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Emergency planning measures are being implemented to avert further disasters and ensure affected individuals receive necessary assistance.

In neighboring Guangxi province, violent hurricane-like winds have destroyed buildings, while major flooding have been reported. Landslides have been recorded in the city of Hezhou.

Guangdong, housing a 127 million people, confronts one of its most humanitarian crises in recent memory.

Videos and images depict vast areas submerged in floodwaters with rescuers navigating through waist-deep currents to evacuate stranded residents.

Major rivers including the Bei River swell above warning levels posing threats of once a century floods. Economic losses estimated at nearly 140.6 million yuan ($19.8 million), with homes collapsing, infrastructure damaged, and farmlands inundated.

Schools suspended operations in multiple cities, disrupting the education system for thousands of students.

Baiyun International Airport in Guangzhou experiences flight cancellations and delays, affecting regional and international travel.

Power outages affect over 1.16 million households, although 80% have seen restoration by Sunday night.

Authorities raise flood control emergency response to level 2. Emergency planning initiated across municipalities to tackle disaster risks and ensure provision of essential resources.

Rescuers mobilized to evacuate affected areas, while maritime departments enforce travel restrictions on rivers to prevent casualties. Meteorological warnings issued for continued heavy rains in Guangdong and neighboring regions.

Scientists attribute the intensification of extreme weather events to the climate crisis, flooding risks. Guangdong experiences rainfall, with four weather stations registering record levels for April.

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