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Chad’s President Mahamat Deby Wins Election Against PM

Military leader Mahamat Deby won in Chad’s presidential election securing over 61% of the vote, surpassing his closest rival, Prime Minister Succes Masra, who gained 18.5%. The election was held following three years of military rule.

Mahamat Deby Wins Election Against PM

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Results released by Chad’s National Election Management Agency revealed that Mahamat Deby secured over 61 percent of the vote surpassing his rival Prime Minister Succes Masra, who gained 18.5 percent.

Mahamat Deby assumed power as interim president following the death of his father, President Idriss Deby, in April 2021.

The elder Deby had ruled Chad for over three decades until his demise in a confrontation with rebel forces. Some have accused both father and son of suppressing opposition voices to perpetuate their rule.

Prime Minister Succes Masra contested the validity of the election alleging rigging by Deby’s government. Masra, in a live broadcast on Facebook declared himself the winner and urged his supporters to reject the official outcome.

He accused Mahamat Deby and his administration of manipulating the electoral process to maintain their political dominance.

The announcement of election results was by reports of violence with gunfire erupting in the capital city of N’Djamena. It remains unclear whether the gunfire was celebratory of unrest.

The provisional results released by Chad’s National Election Management Agency stirred controversy due to allegations of violence and election-rigging.

Mahamat Deby’s victory is his continuation in power succeeding his late father, President Idriss Deby, who ruled for over 30 years until his death in 2021.

The election saw the unexpected early release of provisional results originally to be held on May 21.

Opposition figures faced challenges with instances of violence and alleged irregularities hindering their participation in the election.

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Masra declared himself the winner via a live broadcast on Facebook urging supporters and security forces to reject the election agency’s results.

Mahamat Deby’s leadership transition from military rule aimed to uphold democratic principles but was marred by accusations of authoritarianism and suppression of dissent.

Mahamat Deby extended his transitional presidency consolidating his grip on power and facing criticism from opposition groups and international organisation.

With Mahamat Deby’s supporters celebrating his victory amidst gunfire in the capital while Masra’s camp vowed peaceful mobilization against alleged electoral fraud.

The electoral outcome highlighted Chad’s struggle for genuine democracy during a history of political instability and authoritarian rule.

Deby’s victory extends his family’s decades-long dominance in Chadian politics raising concerns about the consolidation of power within a single political lineage.

Chad’s role in the Sahel region particularly in combating terrorism and maintaining regional stability.

France and the United States closely monitor Chad’s politics, viewing it as a ally in the fight against extremism in Africa’s Sahel.

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