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Australia: Indian-Origin Student in Coma after Attack

An Indian-origin student pursuing a master’s degree at the University of Tasmania in Australia is currently in a medically induced coma after being brutally attacked.

Australia: Indian-Origin Student in Coma after Attack

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The incident occurred on November 5 in Tasmania, leaving the victim, whose identity remains undisclosed, with severe injuries that include extradural bleeding, resulting in a shift in his brain. Additionally, the assault led to the collapse of his right lung, necessitating several hours of brain surgery.

The alleged, identified as 25-year-old Benjamin Dodge Collings, a resident of Lenah Valley, was taken into custody by the Australian police.

Collings has been charged with criminal code assault, an offense that carries a maximum prison sentence of 21 years. Despite the severity of the charges, Collings was granted magistrate bail.

Collings is scheduled to appear in court on December 4 to respond to various charges, including assault, providing false information, resisting a police officer, and unrelated driving offenses.

The decision to grant bail to the accused has ignited public outcry, particularly considering the victim’s critical condition and charges he faces.

The University of Tasmania, where the victim is enrolled, addressed the incident and expressed its commitment to supporting the student and his family during these difficult times.

Ben Wild, the Media Director at the University, revealed that they have been in regular contact with the family and have assigned a case manager to provide full support.

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In a statement, the university mentioned, “We have maintained constant communication with the family and designated a multidisciplinary case manager for the matter, in addition to providing interpreters, liaison, housing, and further assistance.”

However, due to the legal proceedings, the university addressed the limitations on what they can disclose about the case.

The severity of the victim’s condition and the fact that the accused has been granted bail have frustration and concern within the community, particularly among the victim’s friends and fellow students.

There are reports suggesting that the victim’s family, based in Assam, India, faces challenges related to travel to Australia, as they reportedly do not possess passports.

Despite the nature of the incident the police have stated that there is no evidence to suggest that the assault was racially motivated.

However, residents have expressed their frustration with the legal proceedings and the perceived lack of accountability for the accused.

On social media platforms particularly on the Indians in Tasmania Facebook group, residents have expressed their concerns and sought community support for the victim.

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Germanjit Singh Gill, a resident, posted on the group, stating, “Someone assaulted our brother for no reason, and we can’t even ask questions? We are harnessing community support to help the victim.”

The decision to grant bail to the accused, especially considering the severity of the charges and the victim’s condition, has questioned about the legal system’s handling of such cases.

Members of the community are demanding transparency and in the legal proceedings, seeking reassurance that justice will be served.

Incidents of violence against students particularly those studying abroad. The Indian government and diplomatic missions may closely monitor the developments in this case to ensure the well-being of the victim and to address any diplomatic implications.

The incident questions about the safety and security of international students in Australia, discussions on measures to enhance their protection and well-being.

Universities and local authorities may face increased scrutiny regarding the safety measures in place for students, especially those from diverse backgrounds.

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