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Anti-Government Protests: Tens of Thousands Rally in Belgrade

Anti-government protests in Belgrade, Serbia, have continued for the fifth time this month, with tens of thousands of people gathering to demand the resignation of top officials and an end to violence in the media. The protests were sparked by two mass shootings in early May that resulted in the deaths of 18 people, including nine students from a Belgrade elementary school. The demonstrators are calling for the revocation of broadcasting licenses for TV channels promoting violent content and a ban on pro-government newspapers that target political dissidents.

They also want the interior minister and the head of the intelligence service to resign. The protests have tapped into the anger and dissatisfaction with the ruling party over what the protesters see as a culture of violence perpetuated by the government and its controlled media outlets. The rallies have become some of the largest since the demonstrations that led to the fall of Slobodan Milosevic over two decades ago. However, President Aleksandar Vucic has dismissed the protests as a political stunt and rejected the demands for his resignation.

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Rally in Belgrade

Tens of thousands of people gathered in Belgrade, Serbia’s capital, for the fifth anti-government protest in recent weeks. The demonstrations were sparked by two back-to-back shootings that resulted in the deaths of 18 people, including nine students from a Belgrade elementary school. The protests, known as “Serbia against violence,” have become some of the largest rallies since the fall of strongman Slobodan Milosevic over two decades ago. The protesters are demanding the resignation of top officials, the revocation of broadcasting licenses for TV networks promoting violent content, and a ban on pro-government newspapers targeting political dissidents.

The rallies were triggered in Belgrade by two back-to-back shootings in early May, which left the nation in shock and deep anguish. In the first incident, a 13-year-old pupil entered an elementary school in central Belgrade armed with his father’s gun, resulting in the deaths of eight students and a school guard, with several others wounded. The following day, a 20-year-old man went on a shooting rampage in two villages south of Belgrade, killing eight people and injuring 14. These senseless acts of violence struck at the heart of the nation, and the outrage and grief propelled people to take to the streets to demand change.

Protester’s Demands in Belgrade

During the rallies in Belgrade, the protesters have made several demands. They call for the resignation of the interior minister and the head of the intelligence service, holding them accountable for the state’s failure to address the violence. They also demand the revocation of broadcasting licenses for TV channels that promote violent content and the banning of pro-government newspapers that target political dissidents. The protesters want to curtail the culture of violence in the media, holding it responsible for fanning the flames of aggression in society.

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The demonstrators’ anger and frustration extend beyond the immediate tragedy. They accuse the ruling party and the government of fostering a culture of violence through their control over media outlets. Protesters believe that the media outlets controlled by the government perpetuate and glorify violence, contributing to an atmosphere of hostility and intolerance. They demand the revocation of broadcasting licenses for television channels promoting violent content and the banishment of pro-government newspapers that target political dissidents, exacerbating tensions within society.

Anti-government Movement in Belgrade

The protests started quietly, but as the demands of the demonstrators were met with fierce rebuttals from the president and his allies, they gained momentum and transformed into a full-fledged anti-government movement. President Vucic dismissed the protests as mere political stunts and peddled conspiracy theories suggesting foreign powers were behind the rallies. His dismissive response and refusal to engage with the legitimate concerns raised by the demonstrators only served to fuel their determination and strengthen their resolve.

President Vucic’s Rejection

The government’s response to the protests has been dismissive. President Vucic has labeled the demonstrations as a “political” stunt and peddled conspiracy theories, suggesting that foreign powers are orchestrating the rallies. He has refused to accept responsibility for the crisis and rejected the opposition’s demand for a transitional government ahead of new elections. Vucic’s refusal to acknowledge the concerns raised by the protesters and engage in constructive dialogue has further fueled public discontent and led to the escalation of the rallies.

Right-Wing Groups

While the protests have largely been peaceful, there have been reports of right-wing groups infiltrating the demonstrations. These groups, some of which have ties to Serbia’s security service, have attempted to promote their nationalist agenda during the rallies. The presence of these groups has raised concerns about the potential for violence and the hijacking of the protest movement for their own political purposes. There have been incidents of violence, with ultranationalist supporters attacking protesters and displaying symbols associated with Russian aggression against Ukraine.

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Gun Control Measures

The two mass shootings that occurred in early May, one in an elementary school and the other in two villages near Belgrade, shocked the nation. Authorities have launched a gun crackdown in response, aiming to address the issue of widespread weapons availability. Serbia has been inundated with weapons from the wars of the 1990s, including rocket launchers and hand grenades. The government has implemented tighter controls on gun owners and shooting ranges, declared a moratorium on new licenses, and imposed harsh sentences for possession of illegal weapons. These measures aim to restore a sense of security and prevent further acts of violence.

The significance of these protests extends beyond the immediate grievances. They represent a larger struggle for the preservation of democratic values, freedom of speech, and accountability. The demands for transparency, government accountability, and an end to the culture of violence are crucial for the long-term stability and prosperity of Serbia.

The international community has an important role to play in supporting the aspirations of the Serbian people. Diplomatic pressure, condemnations of violence and repression, and calls for dialogue between the government and the opposition can help create an environment conducive to finding peaceful solutions and addressing the root causes of the protests.

It is crucial for the Serbian government to recognize the legitimate concerns raised by its citizens and engage in meaningful dialogue with the opposition and civil society. Addressing these concerns requires a commitment to democratic reforms, including media pluralism, independent judiciary, and respect for human rights. Only through genuine dialogue and inclusive governance can Serbia move towards a more inclusive, tolerant, and prosperous future.

As the protests in Belgrade continue to evolve, the eyes of the world remain focused on the outcome. The determination and resilience of the Serbian people, coupled with international solidarity, have the potential to bring about meaningful change. The government’s response will be a defining moment for the country and its commitment to democracy and the rule of law.

The mass protests in Belgrade represent a significant turning point for Serbia. The tragic shootings that sparked the demonstrations have become a catalyst for broader demands for change, including an end to the culture of violence and greater government accountability. The resilience and unity of the protesters, despite facing obstacles and repression, highlight the depth of their grievances and their commitment to democratic values.

It is essential for the Serbian government to listen to its citizens, engage in dialogue, and take concrete steps towards addressing the systemic issues that have fueled the protests. The international community must continue to support the aspirations of the Serbian people and advocate for a peaceful resolution that upholds democratic principles and respects human rights.

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