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80 Bird Species will be Renamed Says US Ornithological Society

The American Ornithological Society (AOS) is set to initiate a transformation in the naming of bird species. The AOS has announced its intention to rename 70 to 80 bird species in the United States and Canada, and this change is set new standards for bird naming practices worldwide.

Bird Species will be Renamed Says US Ornithological Society

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The decision is driven by a desire to eliminate historical biases, address racist and offensive associations, and create inclusive and informative environment for bird enthusiasts and ornithologists.

This renaming project is set to begin in 2024 and is generating interest and discussion within the birdwatching community and the scientific world.

The act of naming has always have special throughout human history. Names not only serve as identifiers but can also carry cultural, historical, and emotional connotations.

This holds true for bird species as well. Bird names have the power to shape our perceptions, understanding, and appreciation of these creatures.

However, the choice of names for bird species has not always been neutral or devoid of controversy. For many decades, bird species have been named after individuals, often ornithologists, naturalists, and explorers.

While this practice may have seemed innocuous in the past, it has come under scrutiny in recent years. Many of the individuals for whom bird species are named had problematic histories, including associations with racism, colonialism, and other ideologies.

This practice of naming birds after individuals who held views has been likened to erecting statues in their honor, making it a matter of concern and relevance.

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The need for renaming bird species has become apparent. Bird Names for Birds, a grassroots initiative advocating for this change, has highlighted that many bird species bear the names of individuals with troubling pasts.

For instance, the Hammond’s flycatcher was named after William Alexander Hammond, a former U.S. surgeon general known for his racist views.

Such associations can be hurtful and exclusionary, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere for bird enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds.

The AOS, the leading authority on bird taxonomy and nomenclature in the Americas, has recognized the urgency of this issue.

The AOS, in response to the pressure and concerns, formed an ad-hoc committee in 2021 to address the matter of renaming bird species.

This committee of experts from various fields, released its recommendations in 2022, creating the way for the renaming project. The AOS on a mission to create a more inclusive approach to naming bird species.

The objective is to remove all human names associated with bird species and replace them with names that reflect the birds’ traits, habitats, ranges, or other characteristics.

By adopting descriptive names such as the “blue-footed booby” or “red-headed woodpecker,” the AOS seeks to enhance our understanding of the species while eliminating the associations linked to historical figures.

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The renaming project is not about changing names but also about raising awareness for the avian world. The AOS aims to create a welcoming environment for bird enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds, fostering a love for ornithology and a sense of shared ownership of the natural world.

The project intends to engage the public, encouraging them to participate in the process of suggesting new names, thus making bird naming a collective effort.

While the decision to rename bird species is met with support, there are challenges to overcome. Bird names have been ingrained in the culture of birdwatching for centuries, and the process of renaming hundreds of species is an undertaking.

The AOS acknowledges the need for a slow and deliberative approach, ensuring that the renaming process is transparent and inclusive.

The AOS’s decision is not confined to the United States and Canada. It sets for the global ornithological community to reevaluate the naming conventions of bird species.

The shift towards more inclusive and descriptive names has the potential to inspire other countries and organizations to follow suit, contributing to a more equitable approach to bird naming worldwide.

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