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40,000 Protest in Spain Against Amnesty for Catalan Separatists

A huge number of individuals rampaged of Madrid to voice their oppostion to a possible amnesty for Catalan separatists. This contentious issue has revived longstanding tensions between the central government in Madrid and Catalonia, threatening to deepen Spain’s worst political crisis in decades.

Spain Against Amnesty for Catalan Separatists

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The underlying foundations of this ongoing emergency can be traced back to the failed push for Catalan independence six years ago. Catalonia, an autonomous community in northeastern Spain, held an unauthorized independence referendum in 2017, which was met with strong opposition from the Spanish government.

The one-sided and unlawful attempt at secession led to a constitutional crisis, resulting in the ousting of Carles Puigdemont, the then-Catalan regional president, and the imposition of direct rule from Madrid.

Carles Puigdemont, who escaped Spain to avoid arrest over his role in the independence bid, has resurfaced as a key figure in the ongoing political drama.

He drives the Junts per Catalunya party, which holds seven seats in the Spanish parliament. Puigdemont’s support is presently being pursued by acting Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, as he seeks the backing needed to remain in office.

The essence of the matter lies in Puigdemont’s demand for amnesty for himself and hundreds of other Catalans who face legal action for their involvement in the 2017 secession attempt.

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An amnesty would effectively pardon these individuals, allowing them to return to Spain without fear of prosecution. This condition has turned into a staying point in discussions between Sánchez’s Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) and Puigdemont’s Junts per Catalunya.

Sánchez, who previously granted pardons to nine Catalan independence leaders convicted over the secessionist push, has not ruled out the possibility of amnesty.

This ambiguity has fueled the controversy, with critics accusing Sánchez of capitulating to Catalan separatists and undermining the integrity of Spanish democracy.

Adding further intricacy to the circumstance is the recent inconclusive general election in Spain. The conservative People’s Party (PP), led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, emerged as the winner but fell short of an overall majority.

Despite their victory, the PP faces a difficult task in tying down the essential parliamentary help to form a new government.

The balance of power currently favors Sánchez’s PSOE, but to secure a new administration, he must win the support of Catalan separatists, notably Puigdemont’s party. This political maneuvering has turned the issue of amnesty into a contentious bargaining chip.

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Against this setting, a huge number of Spaniards merged on Madrid to protest the possible amnesty for Catalan separatists. The rally, coordinated by the PP, saw participants waving Spanish flags and carrying placards opposing amnesty.

Authorities estimated the turnout at 40,000, while the PP claimed 60,000 attendees. Speakers at the event, including Madrid mayor Jose Luis Martinez-Almeida and previous Spanish leaders Mariano Rajoy and Jose Maria Aznar, criticized Sánchez’s alleged amnesty plans.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo, flanked by Rajoy and Aznar, firmly rejected the idea of amnesty, labeling it as a concession to “coup plotters.”

The protesters opinions were clear: they go against any move that would grant clemency to those involved in the illegal Catalan independence referendum. Many view this as a threat to Spain’s unity and a potential affront to the rule of law.

The ongoing standoff over amnesty carries significant political implications for Spain. The refusal of the PP and its supporters to accept amnesty as a viable solution underscores the deep-seated divisions within the country.

If Feijóo fails to secure enough support to become prime minister, Sánchez may turn to a coalition of leftist, regionalist, and even separatist parties to maintain power.

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