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100 Days of Israel-Hamas War, Over 24,000 Palestinian Killed

The Israel-Hamas war, now reaching its 100th day, has left a sorrow and unanswered questions. As the war rages on, families on both sides of the border are struggling with the painful reality of lost lives, displacement, and the anguish of having their loved ones held hostage.

Israel-Hamas War, Over 24,000 Palestinian Killed

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Gil Dickmann’s voices the sentiments of many families caught in the crossfire. His 39-year-old cousin, Carmel Gat, remains one of the 136 hostages believed to be held captive in the Gaza Strip.

Despite Israel securing the release of the hostages, the 100 days of Israel-Hamas war have passed with little progress. The promise of the second stage of the war, involving a ground offensive to retrieve hostages, seems unfulfilled.

“We really, really hoped that on the eighth day of the cease-fire we were also going to get Carmel back, my cousin,” Dickmann expressed.

The collapse of a deal just before Carmel’s scheduled release added to the despair, leaving families feeling forgotten and neglected.

The Israel-Hamas war, triggered by a Hamas attack on southern Israel, has resulted in over 1,200 deaths in Israel and a 24,000 Palestinian casualties.

The numbers are not just statistics; they represent families, lost dreams, and the impact of a war that shows no signs of abating.

The government’s priorities include securing the release of hostages, but the lack of breakthroughs concerns.

Dickmann and other relatives of hostages express growing disillusionment with the progress made by Israel’s government, military, and international partners.

“We were told that the goal of the war was to get the hostages back, and I know that there’s another goal for the war, that should be the annihilation of Hamas.

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It’s been 100 days of Israel-Hamas war, and Hamas is still there, and the hostages are still there, so something must wrong,” Dickmann.

CBS News sought comment from the Israeli government, but no response was received at the time of publication.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) issued a statement confirming their commitment to returning all Israeli hostages and dismantling Hamas.

The Israel-Hamas war has led to a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, with over 24,000 Palestinians killed and tens of thousands displaced.

The destruction of infrastructure, including hospitals and schools, has left the population struggling with dire conditions. The United Nations describes the situation as intolerable.

As the war reaches its 100th day, families in Tel Aviv join a massive rally, demanding the release of hostages and an end to the conflict.

The magnitude of the threat on October 7, when Hamas militants stormed through the Gaza border, is in the memories of thousands.

Yossi Schneider, a cousin of Shiri Bibas, who was kidnapped along with her family, speaks out about the plight of the hostages.

“Three generations of my family are disappeared. Three generations of my family! And the world is keeping silent and asking us to stay calm. I cannot take it anymore,” he declares, capturing the desperation felt by many families.

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The 100th day of the Israel-Hamas war sparks global protests, with thousands marching in central London and other cities as part of a global day of action against Israel’s bombing campaign in Gaza. Including China, calls for a ceasefire and the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Pope Francis, addressing the impact of war, states, “war is in itself a crime against humanity” and urges on alternative ways to resolve conflicts.

100 Days Statistics of Israel-Hamas War:

  • Total Deaths: Over 24,000 Palestinians killed in Gaza, more than 1,200 people killed in Israel, and 347 Palestinians killed in the West Bank.
  • Civilian Deaths: The civilian toll in Gaza remains unknown, with women and minors constituting an estimated two-thirds of those killed.
  • Soldiers/Militants: Over 8,000 militants killed by Israel, with Israeli soldiers facing casualties and friendly fire incidents.
  • Destruction/Humanitarian Situation: Between 45-56% of Gaza’s buildings likely damaged or destroyed, 15 out of 36 hospitals partially functioning, and more than half a million Palestinian civilians facing hunger and starvation.
  • Injuries: Over 60,000 Palestinians injured in Gaza, more than 4,000 in the West Bank, and 12,415 total Israeli injuries.
  • Displacement: 1.9 million Palestinians displaced in Gaza and 249,263 Israelis displaced from northern and southern border communities.

The hostage situation remains a painful reality, with around 250 hostages taken by Hamas on October 7. While 121 hostages have been released, 132 individuals, including 111 men, 19 women, and 2 children, remain in the strip.

The conflict has witnessed the launch of 14,000 rockets towards Israel, contributing to the urgency of finding a resolution. International pressures are mounting, with calls for a ceasefire and diplomatic solutions.

The UK, along with the US, addresses the importance of defending freedom of navigation but also acknowledges the need to address the civilian death toll.

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Top Sources Related to 100 Days of Israel-Hamas War, Over 24,000 Palestinian Killed (For R&D)

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