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The 20 Best Cities to Live in the World in 2024

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has released its Global Liveability Index for 2024 ranking the best cities to live in worldwide. This year’s best cities list evaluates 173 cities across the globe using 30 indicators divided into several categories such as stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure.

The 20 Best Cities to Live in the World in 2024

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Top 20 Best Cities to Live in 2024

  1. Vienna, Austria
  2. Copenhagen, Denmark
  3. Zurich, Switzerland
  4. Melbourne, Australia
  5. Calgary, Canada (tied with Geneva)
  6. Geneva, Switzerland (tie)
  7. Sydney, Australia (tied with Vancouver)
  8. Vancouver, Canada (tie)
  9. Osaka, Japan (tied with Aukland)
  10. Auckland, New Zealand (tie)
  11. Adelaide, Australia
  12. Toronto, Canada
  13. Helsinki, Finland
  14. Tokyo, Japan
  15. Perth, Australia
  16. Brisbane, Australia
  17. Frankfurt, Germany (tied with Luxembourg)
  18. Luxembourg, Luxembourg (tie)
  19. Amsterdam, Netherlands
  20. Wellington, New Zealand.

Top 10 Best Cities to Live in 2024

1. Vienna, Austria

Vienna has secured the first position as the world’s most liveable city for the third year running. The city achieved perfect scores in stability, healthcare, education and infrastructure.

It slightly fell short in culture and environment due to a lack of sporting events. It is Known for its rich history, beautiful architecture and vibrant cultural scene, Vienna has an exceptional quality of life making it a top destination for both residents and visitors.

2. Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen retained its second-place ranking. The city excelled in stability, education and infrastructure receiving perfect scores in these categories.

With a healthcare score of 95.8, Copenhagen has quality healthcare services for its residents. It is Known for its bicycle-friendly streets and efficient public transportation, Copenhagen is a model of environmental sustainability and urban planning.

3. Zurich, Switzerland

Zurich moved up from sixth place to third. The city achieved perfect scores in healthcare and education. Zurich’s infrastructure score of 96.4 highlights its efficient public transportation and well-maintained facilities.

4. Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne dropped from third to fourth place. The city earned perfect scores in both healthcare and education. It is Known for its cultural scene, Melbourne continues to attract residents with its well-being and educational excellence.

5. Calgary, Canada

Calgary tied for fifth place maintaining its reputation as one of the most liveable cities. The city excelled in stability, healthcare and education, achieving perfect scores in these categories. With a high infrastructure score, Calgary provides efficient public services and well-maintained facilities.

6. Geneva, Switzerland

Geneva tied with Calgary. The city achieved perfect scores in these areas, a high quality of life for its residents. Geneva’s strong performance in its appeal as a desirable city for both residents and global visitors.

7. Sydney, Australia

Sydney tied for seventh place maintaining its position among the most liveable cities. The city earned perfect scores in many categories. Sydney also scored well in culture and environment.

8. Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver tied with Sydney continuing its tradition of high liveability. The city achieved perfect scores in healthcare and education. Vancouver faced challenges in infrastructure due to an acute housing crisis.

9. Osaka, Japan

Osaka rose from tenth to ninth place. The city achieved perfect scores in many categories, providing top-notch services for its residents. It is Known for its rich cultural heritage.

10. Auckland, New Zealand

Auckland tied with Osaka maintaining its position as a highly liveable city. The city earned a perfect score in education. Auckland also scored highly in culture and environment.

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Stability plays a main role in determining a city’s liveability, with best cities like Vienna and Copenhagen excelling in this category.

Cities like Atlanta and Los Angeles showed lower stability scores due to instances of civil unrest and crime.

Cities with high liveability scores typically has accessible and high-quality healthcare services. Zurich and Melbourne excelled in this category. The availability and quality of healthcare services are critical in residents’ well-being and quality of life.

Cities like Sydney and Vancouver earned perfect scores in education. A strong education system is a factor in attracting residents.

Cities like Zurich and Calgary scored highly in this area. Despite high scores cities like Vancouver faced challenges due to an acute housing crisis.

Western Europe saw a decline in stability scores due to increasing instances of disruptive protests and crime affecting overall liveability.

Cities like Vienna and Zurich continued to perform well maintaining high liveability scores.

Hong Kong saw improvements rising from 61st to 50th place due to better stability and healthcare scores.

Cities like Abu Dhabi and Dubai made improvements in various liveability factors.

North America achieved the highest average score for education with cities like Vancouver and Calgary leading the way.

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