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South Wales: Treforest Industrial Estate Explosion Leaves 1 Person Missing

A major incident has happened at Treforest Industrial Estate in south Wales, by a massive explosion and fire that destroyed at least one building. The incident happened at around 7:00 PM on Wednesday. As the situation continues to develop, one person remains missing.

South Wales: Treforest Industrial Estate Explosion Leaves 1 Person Missing

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Eyewitnesses near the Treforest Industrial Estate, South Wales reported a loud explosion that shook the ground and a towering fireball into the evening sky.

The affected building, a two-story structure known as Rizla House, houses various commercial units, including a gym, a towel manufacturer, a food laboratory, and a telecommunications service company.

Stephen Davies, who was at a nearby gym during the incident, described the moment of the blast as carnage.

The explosion shattered walls, caused the ceiling to collapse, and sent debris flying into the gym and café area. There were no reports of serious injuries among those present.

The South Wales Fire and Rescue Service responded to the incident, deploying multiple pumping appliances, special appliances, and officers to the scene.

As of the latest update, the two-story commercial premises, Rizla House, is reported to be totally alight and at risk of collapse.

The fire service, in collaboration with South Wales Police, Welsh Ambulance Service, Wales & West Utilities, NRW, RCTCBC, CTMUHB, and National Grid, is working to contain the situation and manage the emergency response.

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Emergency services, including 16 pumping appliances and various specialized units, are at the scene. Roads around the Treforest Industrial Estate, including Tonteg Road, Severn Road, Taffs Mead Road, and others, remain closed.

Residents in the vicinity are advised to keep doors and windows closed due to the incident. While there have been no reports of serious injuries, one person remains missing.

Emergency services are efforts to locate and ensure the well-being of the missing individual. The Welsh Ambulance Service confirmed that three patients were treated at the scene and discharged on Wednesday evening.

Local MP Alex Davies-Jones expressed relief that, so far, there have been no severe casualties, the efforts of emergency responders.

Several businesses located within the affected building, including a gym, a towel manufacturer, a food laboratory, and a telecommunications service company, have faced degrees of damage.

Individuals who were present at the time of the explosion recounted experiences, with some losing their workplaces entirely.

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Lucy Artiss, a tattoo artist at Sixteen Circles, lamented the loss of her tattoo shop, stating that it had a wonderful family feel to it, and expressed the need to find a new shop.

Similarly, Andrew Cox, a barber at Andrew Cox Barbering, shared his concern about the status of his shop. The residents and businesses reported feeling the ground shake.

Local authorities in South Wales have called for support from the community, urging residents to safety advice and avoid the affected area.

Councillor Karl Johnson, in an interview with Sky News, described the incident as a significant fire and addressed the need for cooperation during this time.

The Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board implemented precautionary measures, putting all its emergency departments on high alert.

While the alert has been stood down, the health board continues to encourage the appropriate use of urgent care services to those in need of medical attention.

As emergency services work to manage the incident, an investigation is to determine the cause of the explosion in South Wales.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has been informed and is making inquiries into the circumstances surrounding the incident.

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Top Sources Related to South Wales: Treforest Industrial Estate Explosion leaves 1 Person Missing (For R&D)

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