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Serial Killer Arrested in Rwanda After 10 Bodies Found in Kitchen

In Rwanda, a 34-year-old suspected serial killer has been arrested after police uncovered a frightening trail of murders, with more than 10 bodies buried in the kitchen of his rented home in the capital city, Kigali.

The suspect’s modus operandi involved luring his victims, predominantly sex workers, from local bars to his residence in a quiet suburb, where he would rob, strangle, and subsequently bury them in a pit he had dug in his very own kitchen.

The case has not just exposed the dark underbelly of violence in a nation known for its relatively low crime rates but has also left many questioning how such a sinister spree could go undetected for so long.

Rwanda Serial Killer

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The stunning disclosure unfurled when the suspect was evicted from his rented accommodation in the Kicukiro district, a peaceful residential area of Kigali. His landlord had become progressively worried as the tenant had defaulted on rent payments for several months.

The police were summoned to assist with the eviction, and it was during this process that the suspect’s erratic behavior raised suspicions among the officers.

According to a police officer who was present at the scene, the suspect put up a fight during the eviction. He exhibited bizarre behavior, offering apologies and crying excessively.

These activities, instead of deterring the police, strengthened their doubts. Thus, they detained the man and subsequently escorted him to the police station for further questioning.

It was at the police headquarters that the suspect made a stocking confirmation, he confessed to the heinous crimes he had committed. This startling revelation prompted the Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) to initiate a full-fledged investigation into the suspect’s residence.

Little did they know that what they would uncover would send shockwaves not only through the country but also through the international community.

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The suspect’s modus operandi was as horrifying as it was calculated. He would visit nearby bars, where he would go after weak people, primarily sex workers, who were less likely to have close family or friends to look out for them.

After luring his victims to his home, he would rob them of their personal belongings, including phones, and then proceed to strangle them to death. The most chilling part of this frightful story is that he would cover the dead bodies of his victims in a pit he had dug within the confines of his own kitchen.

As the investigation proceeded, the degree of the horror started to unravel. The suspect’s confession provided insights into the depths of his malevolence.

He shockingly revealed that he had drawn inspiration from infamous serial killers, learning the art of murder by watching videos about their grisly deeds. To add a macabre twist to his crimes, he had even gone so far as to dissolve some of his victims’ remains in acid.

The actual victims were a blend of people, with a significant portion being sex workers. The suspect’s twisted psyche seemed to lead him to select victims who were less likely to be missed, ensuring that their disappearances would go unnoticed for as long as possible.

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The suspect’s dark journey into the world of crime had seen him arrested previously in July, on charges that included robbery, rape, and threats against women.

However, due to a lack of substantial evidence, he had been granted bail and released back into society. This proved to be a grave oversight, as he continued his reign of terror.

The arrest came after the police continued in their investigations, building a case against the suspect. This time, when they searched his home, the horrifying discovery was made, the remains of more than 10 victims hidden within the confines of his own residence.

The specific number of casualties still can’t seem to be confirmed conclusively. While nearby media reports recommend that more than 10 bodies have been found, a mysterious source inside the Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) has hinted at a higher number, stating that 14 victims have been counted thus far.

RIB spokesman Thierry Murangira emphasized that the final tally would be determined through rigorous forensic investigations.

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