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Hundreds of Ethiopian Migrants Killed by Saudi Border Guards

Ethiopian migrants crossing the Yemen-Saudi border has taken a staggering turn with shocking allegations emerging of mass killings and brutal violence. Human Rights Watch (HRW) has delivered a detailed report claiming that Saudi border guards have participated in systematic killings of Ethiopian migrants attempting to cross into Saudi Arabia.

The claims, which Saudi specialists deny, highlight a disturbing heightening of human rights abuses that may constitute crimes against humanity.

Ethiopian Migrants Killed by Saudi Border Guards

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Sources Related to Saudi Arabia–Yemen border Problems (For R&D)

The route is fraught with danger, as migrants board overcrowded and unseaworthy vessels from Djibouti into Houthi-controlled Yemeni territory. From that point, they face a progression of difficulties including exploitation, violence, and abuse by smugglers and border guards.

HRW’s report highlights a pattern of widespread and systematic violence against Ethiopian migrants along the border. The organization’s researchers interviewed 42 Ethiopian migrants and asylum seekers, and analyzed videos, photographs, and satellite imagery.

The proof accumulated proposes that Saudi border guards have been utilizing hazardous weapons aimlessly and have shot migrants at close range, including women and children. The incidents described in the report point to a deliberate escalation in the scale and manner of targeted killings.

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Eyewitness testimonies provide a harrowing account of the alleged atrocities. Survivors describe scenes of horror, with bodies strewn across the landscape, some severely injured or dismembered.

The testimonies reveal instances of border guards forcing survivors to choose which limb to be shot in before being shot at close range. These claims depict a grave human rights crisis that demands urgent attention from the international community.

While HRW’s report presents unquestionable proof, confirmation of incidents in such remote and difficult to reach regions remains a challenge.

The Saudi government has vehemently denied the allegations, dismissing them as unfounded and not based on reliable sources. This raises questions about the need for independent investigations and greater transparency.

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The Yemeni conflict further compounds the difficulties looked by migrants. The continuous nationwide conflict, which started in 2014 when Houthi forces seized the capital Sanaa, has created one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises.

The war has displaced millions, pushed parts of the country into famine, and led to widespread human rights abuses. The alleged mass killings of migrants along the Yemen-Saudi border add another layer of complexity to an already dire situation.

The allegations come when Saudi Arabia’s relations with the international community are under scrutiny. The reported upcoming visit of Saudi Arabia’s crown prince Mohammed bin Salman to London has raised concerns about the international community’s response to these allegations.

The international community faces a delicate balancing act between diplomatic relations and addressing grave human rights violations.

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Top Sources Related to Hundreds of Ethiopian Migrants Killed by Saudi Border Guards (For R&D)


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