What is White Sauce Chicken Pasta?

White sauce pasta is one of the famous pasta’s consumed all over the world, it is prepared with white sauce which is also known as Bechamel sauce which was invented in Italy. The white sauce or Bechamel sauce is also called as the “Mother sauce”. The first name Bechamel sauce appears in the modern cook, written by Vincent La Chapelle and it was published in 1733.

  • Cooking time: 35 minutes
  • Serves: 2 members.

Ingredients for White Sauce Chicken Pasta:

  • Water (6 cups)
  • Penne Pasta (2 cups)
  • Olive oil 
  • Boneless Chicken (150 gms)
  • Salt 
  • Pepper 
  • Butter
  • Garlic
  • Maida (2 tbsp)
  • Milk (2 cups)
  • Dried Oregano (1/2 tsp)
  • Dried Basil (1/2 tsp)
  • Cheddar Cheese (1/2 Cup).

Steps to prepare White Sauce Chicken Pasta:

  • Heat 6 cups of water in a saucepan and bring water to a boil
  • Then add 2 cups of Penne Pasta to the boiling water 
  • Cover the saucepan and cook it for 9 minutes 
  • Drain the Pasta and add 1 tsp of olive oil and keep it aside
  • Then take 150 grams of chicken and cut it into medium size pieces 
  • Then take a pan and add 1 tsp of olive oil and add chicken to the pan and cook it for 3 minutes 
  • Then add salt and pepper to the chicken and cook it for another 1 minute and take the chicken out and keep it aside
  • Then take a pan and add 1 tsp of oil and 1 tsp of butter and melt it 
  • Then in low flame add 1 tsp of finely chopped garlic to the butter and mix it well
  • Then add 2 tbsp of maida and stir it well
  • Then add two cups of milk and mix it until it becomes little thick
  • Then add dried Oregano 1tsp and Dried basil 1/2 tsp and mix them well and let it bubble slowly 
  • Then add 1/2 tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp of pepper and stir it
  • Then add 1/2 cup of Cheddar Cheese and mix it in low flame
  • Then add the cooked pasta and cooked chicken and mix it well
  • Now it is ready to serve.

Nutrition Information:

  • Calories- 346
  • Total fat- 11 g
  • Saturated fat- 4.6 g
  • Total carbohydrate- 42 g
  • Protein- 32 g
  • Cholesterol- 85 mg
  • Sodium- 700 mg
  • Potassium- 240 mg
  • Iron- 12%
  • Calcium- 8%.

Facts about White Sauce Chicken Pasta:

  • Approximately, there are about 350 shape varieties of pasta available
  • White sauce pasta is the most common preparations of pasta consumed all over the world
  • The origin of pasta is from the land of Italy
  • The white sauce can also be called as Bechamel sauce and its origin if from the Italian and French cuisines
  • White sauce was introduced to France in 1533 by the chefs of Catherina de Medici.

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