AI Apps can Recreate Deceased Loved Ones and Its a threat to Mental Health

The emergence of AI apps designed to recreate the likeness and personalities of deceased loved ones…

Existentialism and Absurdism: Differences, Meaning, Books and More

Existentialism and Absurdism are two philosophical lenses that have shaped our understanding of existence and meaning.…

Finland Retains Title as World’s Happiest Country for Seventh Consecutive Year

In the annual World Happiness Report, Finland yet again wins the title of the world's happiest…

75% US Teens Feel Happy or Peaceful Without their Smartphone

A report from the Pew Research Center shows that nearly three-quarters of US teens expressing feelings…

Matthew Perry Foundation Established to Help Combat Addiction

In memory of his commitment to helping others facing the same challenges, the Matthew Perry Foundation…

What is Masterdating? The New Dating Trend

A new trend has emerged that is changing the way people view themselves and their journey…

Inferiority Complex: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Overcoming

An inferiority complex refers to a persistent belief of being inherently less capable or worthy than…

Kaizen: The Japanese Philosophy of Continuous Improvement

Kaizen is a powerful Japanese business philosophy rooted in the concept of continuous improvement. This approach…

How to Overcome Negative Thoughts and Build Positivity

Negative thoughts can essentially affect our psychological prosperity, adding to issues like social tension, sadness, stress,…

King’s Court Theory: Building Your Inner Circle for Success

King's Court Theory, One of life's fundamental keys to progress is the capacity to form and…