Norway Farmer Discovers 1,100-Year-Old Viking Sword in His Field 20240606 093443 00001

A archaeological discovery was made on a family farm in Norway’s southwestern Rogaland district. A part-time farmer and ferry engineer, Øyvind Tveitane Lovra unearthed a 1,000-year-old Viking sword while clearing a field. Initially mistaken for a piece of old iron, the artifact was later identified as a rare type of iron sword likely produced in the Frankish Empire.

Koleken Inakayali: New Dinosaur Species with Tiny Arms Discovered in Patagonia 20240523 124314 00001

A discovery in the field of paleontology has revealed the diversity of theropod dinosaurs during the Late Cretaceous Epoch. An international team of researchers led by National Geographic Explorer Diego Pol unearthed a new species of carnivorous dinosaur in Argentina. This newly discovered species is named Koleken inakayali, provides insights into the evolution of abelisaurid theropods in Patagonia just before the mass extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs.

South Africa Marks 30 Years of Democracy Since the End of Apartheid 20240428 133236 00001

Three decades have passed since South Africa’s victory over apartheid, a brutal system of racial segregation that plagued the nation for generations. The journey from oppression to democracy was by blood, sweat, and tears of activists and ordinary citizens who dared to challenge the status quo. Today the nation commemorates 30 years of democracy.