Bulgaria, Turkey, and Greece encountered a devastating natural disaster that resulted in a path of destruction and sadness afterward. Unrelenting heavy rains triggered devastating floods that claimed the lives of at least 10 people, injured many others, and caused extensive damage to homes, infrastructure, and the environment.

Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey are Hit by Floods, 14 Killed

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Bulgaria, a southeastern European country known for its pleasant landscapes and rich cultural heritage, found itself grappling with an unforeseen catastrophe. Torrential rains, falling relentlessly for days, swelled rivers to unprecedented levels. The pleasant Tsarevo region transformed into a watery landmark, with floodwaters lowering vehicles and engulfing entire streets.

As the floodwaters flooded through Bulgaria, they carried away the hopes and dreams of many innocent lives. The death toll included two men and a woman, whose body was tragically swept out to sea.

Additionally, a bridge south of Tsarevo collapsed, and there were reports of three people missing, casting a dark shadow of uncertainty over their fate. We explore the heartbreak and anguish experienced by the families and communities affected by these devastating losses.

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The neighboring country of Turkey was not saved from the wrath of these horrendous floods. Istanbul, Turkey’s biggest city, saw the constant attack of floodwaters that immersed roads, homes, and, surprisingly, caught individuals in neighborhood libraries.

As blaze floods changed Istanbul’s roads into seething streams, the city was left wrestling with misfortune and demolition.

The floods in Turkey killed two people, including a lady who was unfortunately cleared away by the floodwaters. In the Kirklareli region, not a long way from Turkey’s northwestern border with Bulgaria, three additional individuals lost their lives, and three stayed missing, leaving families and communities in anguish.

Amidst the tragedy, stories of heroism and courage emerged, demonstrating the indomitable spirit of those who faced this disaster head-on.

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Greece, a country known for its rich history and dynamic culture, has confronted a progression of cataclysmic events lately. The tireless rainstorms that battered Greece brought new difficulties, including destructive floods. In the central coastal region of Magnesia, where rainfall reached unprecedented levels, the consequences were dire.

The heavy rains in Greece resulted in the loss of human lives, with one man perishing when a wall collapsed on him in Volos, and an 87-year-old woman found dead in the Pelion area. The flooding left something like five individuals missing, adding to the agony and vulnerability encompassing the disaster.

As Bulgaria, Turkey, and Greece begin the arduous process of rebuilding their lives and communities, the challenges ahead are immense. Infrastructure has been severely damaged, homes destroyed, and entire communities displaced.

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Top Sources Related to Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey Are Hit By Floods, 14 Killed (For R&D)

New York Times:

AL Jazeera:

BBC News:

USA Today:

The Guardian:

DW News:

Sources Related to Floods in Last 3 Months Around the World (For R&D)