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Australia Military Helicopter Crash: 4 Crew Members Missing

On Friday late evening during the joint US-Australian military exercise off Lindeman Island, a tragedy happened when an Australian Defense Force MRH-90 Taipan helicopter crashed into the waters off Queensland.

The incident happened around 10:30 PM local time (12:30 GMT) and has left the country in shock and despair. Defence Minister Richard Marles swiftly initiated a search and rescue mission, but as of Saturday morning, the four aircrew onboard the helicopter remained missing, causing great concern and sadness.

Australia Military Helicopter Crash

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Sources Related to US-Australian military exercise (For R&D)

Following the accident, Defence Minister Richard Marles declared the rescue mission. While the debris from the downed helicopter was found later on Saturday, there was still no indication of the missing crew members.

The Australian authorities, along the assistance from civil agencies, the police, and even US allies participating in the military exercise, have been tirelessly combing the waters in hopes of finding the aircrew alive. Despite the challenges, they continue to maintain hope for a successful search and rescue operation.

The Talisman Sabre Exercise

The doomed MRH-90 Taipan helicopter was part of the Talisman Sabre exercise, which stands as the largest bilateral military training exercise between Australia and the United States. Talisman Saber involves not only the US and Australia but also soldiers from Japan, France, Germany, and South Korea, making it a multinational endeavor.

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The exercise centers around testing different military aspects, for example, coordinated factors, land combat, amphibious landings, and air operations. However, in light of the tragic incident, defence officials promptly announced a pause in the exercise, allowing participants from all nations to reach out to their families and keep them informed about the situation.

The incident happened while US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin were in Queensland as a part of the yearly Australia-US ministerial (AUSMIN) dialogue. The two US authorities communicated their sympathies and offered their help during this troublesome time.

Secretary Austin highlighted the significance of thorough preparation and arrangement to guarantee the security and progress of military personnel during critical situations. Defence Minister Marles and Chief of the Defence Force Angus Campbell addressed the media, emphasizing their focus on finding the missing aircrew and providing support to their families and colleagues.

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The tragic accident of the MRH-90 Taipan adds to Australia’s developing worries about the reliability of these European-built helicopters. Australia had recently reported its decision to resign the entire fleet of Taipans years ahead of schedule due to ongoing maintenance issues and difficulties in acquiring spare parts.

Instead, Australia intends to replace them with the demonstrated and solid US-made Black Hawks. This incident further underscores the need for a robust military capable of dealing with potential adversaries, including China, as Australia shifts its emphasis towards long-range strike capabilities.

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Top Sources Regarding Australia military Helicopter Crash (For R&D)

AL Jazeera:

CNN News:

DW News:

BBC News:

The Guardian:

South China Morning Post:


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