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Former Pakistan PM Imran Khan Gets 3-Year Jail in Toshakhana Case

On August 5, 2023, former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan was arrested by police in Lahore after a trial court in Islamabad sentenced him to three years in prison for illegally selling state gifts. The court found him to be guilty of “corrupt practices” related to the sale of valuable gifts received during his tenure as the country’s leader.

The 70-year-old cricketer-turned-politican was blamed for misusing his power from 2018 to 2022 to trade presents in state possession, which were received during visits abroad and worth over 140 million Pakistani rupees ($497,500). These gifts included an antique watch given to him by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, among others.

The court’s decision likewise imposed a 100,000-rupee fine on Imran Khan, which, if left unpaid, could bring about six extra long periods of detainment. In Addition to the prison sentence, he has been disqualified from participating in active politics for five years, effectively barring him from running for public office during that period.

Imran Khan Gets 3-Year Jail in Toshakhana Case

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Sources about Imran Khan (For R&D)

The Toshakhana Case

The Toshakhana case rotates around the Toshakhana division, which stores official gifts given to government authorities and rulers by foreign dignitaries. An inquiry by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) found Khan guilty of unlawfully selling state gifts during his prime ministerial term.

In a pre-recorded video message delivered before his arrest, Khan called on his supporters to peacefully protest the court’s decision. He emphasized that his struggle was not for his personal benefit but for the nation and the future of its children.

Khan also referred to the “London Plan,” an alleged plot involving current army chief General Asim Munir and three-time former prime minister Nawaz Sharif to remove him from politics. However, he has yet to provide evidence of its existence.

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Following the court’s decision, police surrounded Khan’s home in Lahore, leading to his capture. Heavy security measures were deployed in the area, and traffic was blocked on Zaman Park road. Despite the security arrangements, some PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) workers took to the streets to protest the arrest of their leader.

Khan’s arrest and detention prior in May had ignited nationwide anti-government protests, resulting in unrest and damage to government buildings and security installations. His party, PTI, has been vocal in reviling what they view as “political victimization” and has promised to challenge the court’s choice in the high court.

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The court’s decision and Khan’s subsequent arrest have significant implications for Pakistan’s upcoming general elections, expected to be held by November. A conviction and disqualification from politics could potentially hinder Khan’s chances of participating in the elections.

Given his popularity as a leader, his absence from the political landscape could raise questions about the fairness of the electoral process.

Khan’s relationship with the military establishment has been tumultuous, with him publicly accusing them of conspiring against him and attempting to dismantle his party, PTI. The former prime minister has faced multiple legal challenges, including allegations of corruption, terrorism, violence, blasphemy, and murder.

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Top Sources Related to Imran Khan getting 3-year jail in Toshakhana case (For R&D)

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